According to the forecast the company Deloitte, the PRC government will be forced to resort to additional steps for the "chilling" of the local property market.
As a result I quarter of 2010 activity in the sectors of commercial and residential real estate city-states rose against the Singapore economy recovery.
On the internet auction site eBay have unusual lot - Vaukonda town in Washington State. Its starting price is $ 359 thousand, but if immediate purchase an owner willing to cede the town in less than half a million dollars, because in the course of his trade value may increase.
Investment in overseas property are deservedly popular throughout the world. About how much prefer to invest very experienced British investors, said Igor Indriksons, director of investments in foreign real estate companies IntermarkSavills.
Conglomerate Dubai World, whose debt problems at the end of 2009 nearly caused a second wave of financial crisis, a complete settlement with creditors within five to eight years, said on Thursday Agence France Press referring to the plan submitted by the holding company debt.
Number of apartments offered for sale in Moscow, is gradually declining, but prices on the market yet does not grow, said Thursday during a press conference the journalists chairman Corporation Incom Konstantin Popov.
According to the company "MIEL - Commercial Real Estate" in the spring of 2010 on the land market came a favorable situation for the purchase of new lands for industrial development. The market began to appear absolutely new proposals and areas for the Moscow Ring Road, which was not in 2009.
Compensate 40% of the purchase price. The deputies of the Duma of Irkutsk today adopted amendments to the program "Young families - affordable housing."