On the security of transactions on the real estate market says a lot. No fewer articles written about fraud on the market. Much has been said about the specific sources of risk, that is, those situations, which subsequently could lead to litigation and even loss of property. It is, primarily, about the so-called `legal` clean apartment. All this, of course, correct. But no one has exact step by step instructions to the buyer, which will independently check the apartment for the safety of its acquisition. Portal `Kvadroom. Real Russia `together with brokerage house` Golden Gate 'has decided to develop and publish the following instructions: where to begin, and specifically, on what items need to check the apartment. We are far from thought to give you a recommendation, which has even a little stuffed her teeth on edge: 'Refer to the professionals'. The need to resort to agents, on the contrary, we suggest you to decide on their own and without our participation. So, before you 15 points of our instructions. Please tick the allegations in which you believe, and if as a result of this work, you'll see a piece of paper, all 15 ticks, you can breathe freely and to buy an apartment, provided of course that you like and suits for the price. I know all who were once registered (registered) to sell the apartments. - There is a danger that people were declared by a court as missing, or any of them dropped out in the army, prisons, homes for long trips, the adjacent area and the state. I know how, when and why people died, lived in the apartment, or its former owners. - There is a danger that any of them in fact been declared missing. I know the whole history of the owners of the apartment. - There is a danger that they lost the apartment against their will, or have been violations of existing legislation in the transition of ownership. I know all about those owners who have privatized this apartment. - There is a danger that any of privatized apartments people have already had at the time of such right, as it had once used, at what may have done this in another city. Been violated children's rights during privatization. I know that no violations of the rights of minors, all the permissions of the guardianship authorities obtained in accordance with the law. - There is a danger that the children were not included in the ownership structure at privatization have either been deliberately written out of the apartment prior to privatization in less than six months (jurisprudence provides an opportunity to contest such privatization, although the law does not direct). I know received all necessary consents (the heirs, spouses) on the transaction. - There is a danger that any of the heirs did not know and could not know about the opening of the hereditary cases, or other circumstances which gave him the right to inheritance, which he never received. - There is a danger that one spouse (even if at the time of sale, they married not have been) does not know about the sale of flats, or does not consent to its sale. It is important if the apartment was acquired during the marriage. I know that the tenants and owners are not composed and were not registered in the drug and mental hospital. - There is a danger that homeowners, registered in drug or mental hospital can claim that accomplishment at the time of the transaction were not aware of what is happening (it was inadequate, or the influence of alcohol or drugs) that lead to its voidability. I know that the tenants and owners of apartments have been no serious problems with law enforcement authorities. - There is a danger, say, uncomfortable living in this apartment. Sometimes the former owners or their relatives are trying to assert their claims, to put it mildly, not entirely in the legal field. Unplanned contact with friends and accomplices of those citizens also are unlikely to leave pleasant memories. I know that the apartment has been knocked into the army, prisons, homes for long trips in the adjacent area and the state. - There is a danger that returned after a long absence, former member of the family owners or try to challenge the transaction of privatization, or restore their lost right to live, depending on the circumstances. I know where and in what conditions the children live, previously knocked out of the apartment. - There is a danger that violated children's rights on the property and living conditions, and have not received the consent of all parents (mother and father) on their registration at the new place of residence. I am sure that passports of all persons involved in the transaction, valid and genuine. - There is a danger of `buy` an apartment from fraudsters, not the real owners, that almost inevitably lead to the recognition of the transaction null and void, after the owners come to their senses, for example, returning from a long trip. I can vouch for the authenticity of all documents (including title, BTI, REU, tax authorities, etc.) is collected and used in previous transactions. - There is a risk that the transaction invalid. There might be other troubles. Legal documents, it happens, is made on a color printer, flat with the `illegitimate 'alterations may take the form of normal documents. I know that home is not threatened by demolition or reconstruction. - There is a danger to make repairs to the purchased apartment, and then be evicted from it, even without providing compensation for work performed. I know that the apartment has not been remodeling and refurbishment. - There is a danger that the entire burden of registration redevelopment, if at all possible, will fall on you, that long and expensive. I know exactly how (in what order, and in which banks) are carried out calculations, and can make them yourself. - There is a danger of losing money and did not regain home ownership.