How to identify the `economy`? What is the midrange - in principle is clear: low-cost facilities are available to most people (if this is the majority, of course, wants to give up an apartment in the metropolis of a country house). On the one hand, `economy 'borders with` business `, on the other ... By the way, and that the other? And where lies the boundary? In fact, the boundary is, and quite clear. Economy - this concept to determine the cottages, that is, country houses with a full range of urban amenities, enabling year-round residence. Water from a well, wood-burning stove and lack of amenities are excluded. Rural houses, cottages and will be just those objects that are below the economy class. It would be best to define `economy 'through some pricing power plug - for instance, include here all the objects from 200 to 600 thousand dollars but, according to experts in different directions at the' housekeeper 'its borders cost. So the question that requires more careful consideration. `At the price of suburban real estate affected by three basic factors - says Valery Rodionov, branch manager` At Solianke `by` new town '. - This line, the distance from Moscow, the size of the object. And you can talk about their various combinations `. For example, soon will find the midrange on the traditionally less prestigious north-east, east, south-east and south suburbs. `Elite` and `business` there are less common. And the bulk of the properties with the size of 12-15 hectare plots in the absence of these trees can be safely counted among the 'steward'. To the north and north-west of Moscow is 'big water' - a chain suitable to the city reservoirs. Cottage on the shore can not be regarded as `economy ', so we are interested segment of the market can speak only if the site is located far from water. With regard to the prestigious western and south-west, here in the category of 'economist' get objects deployment of the EU beyond the 40-50 km from Moscow. With the neighbors, the situation was unclear. For example, the town house as a type of real estate - a classic representative of the economy class. But, say, in Barvikha it can cost up to 1.5 million dollars, especially if an area of 400-450 square. m. Such a price will automatically send it to the category, which in any other direction would be considered definitely did not `business`, and `elite`. However, price limits still represent an important parameter in determining the origin of the object to a particular segment. Therefore, we asked experts to comment on the likely cost of economy class cottages. Valeria Rodionova said that in most suburban areas of the price of `economy` typically varies within 200-500 thousand dollars in the west (primarily, of course, on Rublevke) upper bracket rises to 800 thousand approximately the same said Jeanne Potapkina, head of sales department `ALLTECH Development`. According to her, the border economy class mainly lie in the range of 200-600 thousand dollars At the same time in the east and south of 700-800 thousand - this is the bottom line is not even the `business` as an elite price segment. Some see the issue differently Vladimir Yakhontov, deputy director of suburban real estate company MIEL ``. In his view, the category of economy class should be classified as objects in the price range up to 300 thousand dollars Such settlements are located at a distance of 40 km from Moscow on a prestigious routes (Kaluga, Rublevskoe, Novorizhskoye, Dmitrovskoe) and more than 20 miles - on everything else . House rent without finishing their area does not exceed 250 square meters. m, the construction typically use inexpensive materials. Business-minus The practice prevailing in the domestic market, shows that maximum benefit can be derived from the sale of expensive housing. That is, the village economy class usually form in the case when the consumer qualities of the site does not allow to build a `elite 'or` business `. The main factors relevant to the subject house segment, - a long distance. The idea of ownership of the cottage means that people working in Moscow, and each day goes there by car. Given the state of congestion and suburban highway, even at the best of them - Novorizhskoye - distance more than 50-55 miles makes such travel is quite stressful. For other routes, including the most expensive and preferred by buyers of western and southwestern areas, the figure is 30-35, and for the Yaroslavl highway - 20-22 km. Realization of real estate in towns farther, requiring a substantial price reduction. Another aspect - an adverse environment. Thus, notes Jeanne Potapkina, proximity to urban canyons regard as a definite drawback. And the only thing that can reconcile the people of this disadvantage - the low price. Says Valeria Rodionova, quite correctly, this method is used by `Miel-Real Estate 'in the village of Barvikha Club. Probably, the developer, received a piece in such a prestigious place, was a great temptation to build luxury villas with plots in the 12 hectare. But, carefully weighing all factors, the experts decided to create arrays of townhouses with a very attractive by the standards of Rublyovka price. Despite constant talk about the deficit economy class, the proposals are not so little. These include, for example, can be attributed appearing increasingly remote villages, where over 300-400 thousand dollars can buy a quality house for final finishing. The demand for economy class objects, said Vladimir Yakhontov, is quite high, but not adequate to ensure that today the market offers: expectations of potential buyers are usually much higher.