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Main » Articles » Real Estate » Apartments

Townhouses tend to apartments

Townhouse (literally, town house) came to Russia's real estate market for quite some time, although for a long time townhouses were more gimmick provided a single example. More or less marked development of this segment of the real estate market was only in recent years. But to this day townhouses continue to be one of the most controversial and conflicting formats housing.

For example, what town house closer - to a country cottage or city apartment? P phi standpoint it would seem to suburban shelter. After all, one way or another, this low-rise (2-3 floors) homes, similar to the cottages, though interlocked with each other. They usually have their own plot of land, however small (about 3 hectare). And most of the townhouses are not built within the city, but outside the city.

Nevertheless, analysis of the market leads to a somewhat different assessment of the place townhouses among other formats housing. Completed recent market research townhouses in Moscow and Moscow region, conducted by a think tank, reveals some interesting features. First, change the number of townhouses in the primary market for the last year.

A year ago the market in and around Moscow offered for sale 57 active villages and neighborhoods with townhouses. Last year the situation has changed - now on the market only 46 active sites. This means that during that time to market of new facilities came less than it was sold out and took the market. Thus, the decline in supply of townhouses was about 20%.

The trend decline in supply was characterized during the last year just for the apartment market. Depending on the segment of the supply reduction was from 20% to 50% (more - in Moscow, less - in the Moscow region). This cottage market decline did not affect the proposal: - according to a similar market research cottage villages near Moscow, the number of active settlements for the year virtually unchanged. It turns out that by this criterion tauhnausy were no closer to the cottage, but to the apartment market!

Even more interesting is the dynamics of price in the market townhouses. According to relevant research think tank, the average cost per square meter in townhouses rose over the year by 67.1% from 1256 $ to 2099 $. The growth in prices for the cottage market has averaged only 28.1%. It turns out that the rate of growth of prices townhouses, again, are not close to the cottage, and to the apartments, which have risen in price over the last year by about 80%.

Why is the main market parameters (the volume of supply, price) tend to be more townhouses apartments, but not to the cottage, which they seemed to look more like? There are many reasons, to understand that you can, including by examining these studies. Total market research townhouses in Moscow and Moscow region contains 114 pages of factual material and allows you to find answers to many questions in regard to this non-standard segment of the real estate market.
Category: Apartments | Added by: Дмитрий (19.03.2010)
Views: 281 | Rating: 0.0/0

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