That you can avoid all this trouble and achieve the desired result, we asked the real estate market experts talk about the typical mistake that people in similar situations. Mistake number 1 Any seller, of course, wants to sell his apartment at a higher price. But, as we know, all you need to know the measure. We will never know the actual sales prices, and focus on the price proposals. Selecting similar offers apartments in the databases, of course, one can find the most expensive, throw another ten percent, but the result is likely, this tactic will bring. Same `maximalist ', as you discover your most expensive apartment, in turn, adds to the cost a bit more. You will be able to compete with them for very long. Wins one who has the strongest nerves and more money on advertising object, but the ultimate goal of both of you are probably not reach. `In the current market situation, the main error - Inadequate money - says Svetlana Abelian, branch manager` On Strastnoy Boulevard `company` New Town '- now, in my opinion, too many people who gently say, overestimate their property. That's relatively recent case - in a modern apartment evrodome in Krylatskoe. I had to explain to people that we are not magicians, and 100 square meters. m for $ 1.6 million - we are for such an option will not even tackle. Whatever there may have been super. The price of such apartments - 10 thousand per meter, ie million. Error in this shop is that in Krylatskom now quite possible to correct the price down. And now refusing to sell for reasonable money (million), the person at risk to get no more than six months later 800-900 thousand. Unfortunately, secondary market people, which should be `roll` lips, very much. This is perhaps the biggest trouble. A man takes a figure from the ceiling and believes that the realtor can make a miracle. But the proposal since the summer, has doubled, the buyer has a choice. And at a higher price is sold only exclusive product ', - considers S. Abelian. `People are trying to assess their own apartment, look through newspaper ads. That is correct. But this man - such is his nature! - Allocate first maximum numbers, as most agreeable to him. I want to sell for the same price - adds Vadim Martynenko, director of the department of secondary market corporations Reskor ``, - But we should remember that a potential buyer, choosing the options for the same reason, focus on the minimum (or at least the average prices). And your apartment, set on the maximum price, will not be sold. If only it did not have some special qualities, distinguish it from among the other `. Mistake number 2 Not only are sellers, and realtors tend to `play 'with the price, using it as bait for the client. `One of the most common mistakes - people in choosing real estate companies are repelled by them called the price. Not on behalf of the company, conditions, and solely on the numbers. They choose, of course, those realtors that offer maximum - continues Vadim Martynenko, - In fact, this is a moment which could be called unfair competition. Realtors - not all, of course, but some - called the price 'of the soul', higher. What's wrong? Only the fact that real estate brokers and then fail to fulfill their promises. Clients should understand that even the contract with a real estate agency for sale does not give any guarantees. And the client will lose the time and effort, to no avail spent on running around, impressions. And time is now so much. Prices - at least for some types of apartments - began to decline. If you are not sold in November - now she will have to be 5-8 per cent cheaper '. Mistake number 3 Empirical or slightly more efficient way, but you still managed to find the best price for their apartments. However, it is still not for sale. Perhaps she simply lacks the presentation? `It was an amusing incident when a customer - the owner of a small` wooden 'business was selling the apartment, which he had given absolutely uninhabited status, - says Alexey Shlenov, Deputy Director General of the secondary housing market `MIEL-Brokerage`, - the house was this warehouse of lumber, enter the apartment could be, just stepping over a pile piled on the floor boards were scattered everywhere filings ... Of course, lead to a potential buyer of the apartment was simply no point - people do not transgress those same boards, but simply unfolded and left. We always recommend the most to clean the apartment, including the outer furniture. Ideally, if the apartment will be empty, to visually enlarge the space `. `If there is a dog at the time show must go for a walk with it - continues to Svetlana Abelyan - Because there is nothing more unpleasant than a dog that always runs around, climbs` kiss `or, alternatively, barks, growls and rushes to come. Dog owners often do not understand such a simple thing. There is a wonderful story of life. We sold a communal apartment on Kropotkin. In one room lived grandmother. She was not even the owner of (room belonged to his nephew), and just lived there. And it is not wanted somewhere to go. My grandmother was absolutely sane. But the arrival of customers she had `lost ', and met some of these words:` And that, my dear, drug addicts, then went out the door? And then I them 15 minutes ago banished the broom, swept away the syringes, but came back, I suppose, parasites? `. Needless to say, the speed with which buyers ran out. The apartment was sold only after the nephew of my grandmother bought an apartment and had brought it. After this transaction took place in two weeks. This example, of course, is too bright, but there is a golden rule - less chatter during the show. Because you can inadvertently blurt out something extra '. Mistake number 4 Excessive greed may also destroy the seller. `The mistake can be both renting apartments to rent and try to sell it, - says Alexei Shlenov - tenants are not interested in selling an apartment and are capable of more difficult process, for example, before showing the buyer, they can arrange a mess. However, sellers, wanting to 'squeeze' of the flat maximum amount of money, continue to give it up, thereby reducing the likelihood of a quick sale '. Error number 5 It sometimes happens that all, like, good, and acceptable price and the apartment is good, but not for sale, it could even hits no. Maybe just bad luck. And perhaps it is not just bad luck. `When the man himself takes calls from people interested in the apartment, often so that he can not correctly describe the benefits and dignity of his apartment. In conversation, he may miss minor, in his view, the details of which can be important and fundamental for the caller's rights. Since the seller, without knowing it myself, losing a potential buyer `, - believes Alla Ephraim, expert real estate agents DOKI. Mistake number 6 But there are other extremes. Always a shame to sell an apartment is cheaper than it could be done. Often, yet the market prices rise rather than fall. Inflation discounted not worth it. According to Alla Ephraim: `It is not unusual, and so that the seller puts his apartment for the same price for which sold acquaintances or neighbors. And, as a rule, this price is no longer corresponds to the market, since as long as they sold an apartment to friends, as time passed and the situation in the real estate market has changed '. `There is a special term - to withstand bargain - his experience, Alexander Kukoyaka Director, brokerage Brokerage House` Golden Gate '- is in line once the conditions of the buyer, you show that you can move in the price and beyond will benefit immediately. First client, solved immediately buy your apartment on the proposed price, we recommend that it not sell. There is reason to assume that you have underestimated the apartment and selling cheap. Although, maybe you just got lucky and it is the people who need a flat in this place, just for this price '. Mistake number 7 `Many of the sellers after a positive oral decision, the potential client, remove the advertising flats, without assuming that the buyer may continue to seek more lucrative option, - said Alexander Kukoyaka - Therefore, to reach agreement, the sellers have to raise the issue of certain prepayment obligations to ensure purchase of your apartment . There are legal concepts: the agreement on deposit and the advance agreement. If you are the seller an apartment, signed the agreement on deposit, you must understand that the failure to sell apartments that the buyer may result in certain sanctions. Since, from a legal point of view, it is read as `non-compliance of the seller and refund twice the amount`. Thus, the skilled and knowledgeable buyer and his lawyer can easily put you into financial dependence '. Error number 8 `Other` extremes may be expressed also in the excessive zeal of the seller: `An erroneous calculation of the seller to make repairs and sell the apartment is more expensive - to notice Alex Shlenov - Make road repairs in the mass housing demand does not make sense, since the entire amount of money spent will not be returned. In determining the price of a more important role is the location, condition of homes, infrastructure and other characteristics. It is much wiser to make minor repairs to apartment looked decent, and the new owners have already made repairs themselves, consistent with their needs. The main thing to look neat and flat to create a sense of cleanliness and order. Cost cosmetic repair would cost 300-400 dollars, but this is enough to increase the price of the apartments for 2-3 thousand `. Error number 9 Let the apartment thief, even if the apartment is sold - not the right thing to do in life. `The most unpleasant - that turned tourists` `. People who understand why go to the viewings, - said Irina Kotova, Director of Marketing ХИРШ ``, - In the best case, it is because they occupy their free time. At worst - look out, in which the apartments that is, working gunner for apartment thieves. Experienced realtors compute `tourists' by the fact that those not particularly interested in the apartment. There can be so that people wanted to buy an apartment, and did not ask about its history, legal status, condition, etc. U `visitors` interests of others, they all forces want to get into the apartment. And experienced person is immediately noticeable - at the moment calls `. Error number 10 The worst thing that can happen - the loss of all. Improperly organized the transfer of money - face serious trouble. `A typical mistake is to neglect the bank safe deposit box at mutual - Alla says Ephraim - The seller is often not possible to verify the money bills, so there are different possible criminal fraud by the fraudsters'. `The form of contract offered by banks, usually in the interests of both parties, but in the text of the error can creep in, which would then cost a lot of nerves and time - adds Alex Shlenov - for example, due to purely technical errors may happen that in BTI documents will be registered the same email, but in the sales contract - the other. This can happen, especially in the case of the alternative transaction, which involved several apartments. The contract may miss a letter or an incorrect address of the apartment, whose owners, after registration will have access to the cell. In such cases, people lose their heads, are beginning to organize hysteria, call the realtor, buyer, and shouting that they were robbed. We would caution sellers against hasty conclusions and violent reactions. In our practice, such cases have always proven to misunderstandings, but not malicious actions of the parties `.