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How to buy a house in the village?

Want to buy a house in the village for $ 50 thousand? 'll Have to become a realtor

But such proposals do not suit my friend Kostya, who decided to buy a house in the village or garden fellowship for a maximum of $ 50 thousand buyer with a similar budget, absolutely no interest to agents, so he had to find their own.

Great Moscow, and choose not anything else

The main issue for the bones was the choice of direction. Lots located on the Rublyovskoye and Novorizhskoe highway, originally not considered because of `too heavy 'price. In areas along the Yaroslavl and Dmitrovsky trails, revealed extremely high demand. In most cases, exhibited for sale villas in the prestigious suburban townships, with the usual environment and infrastructure, rather crowded, expensive, besides, is not promising the desired privacy.

Gradually cut off all the irrelevant options. Unacceptable to the buying of land and were Ryazan direction. To get to many villages and potential horticultural associations prevented poorly developed system of communication, the dirt roads. Not satisfied and seemingly ill-suited for gardening poor land.

Approximately season, our hero gazed at the beautiful land along the reservoirs, located on the Leningrad sector. But scarce marshes of the local edges, finally lost to farming after the resettlement of reservoirs and artificial flood in the middle of last century, Kostya considered a serious drawback.

Several months of Sunday trips - and intentions become more or less designed the character. It has become clear: the most preferred direction - Simferopol and Kaluga. This is easier to travel, given accommodation in the area Yasenevo in the south-west of Moscow. Southern Moscow today, again, not the most popular and expensive place. Hence, the cherished house will cost up to $ 50 thousand Another plus - a good chernozem and sandy soil of these places. Kostya took into account more and plan eventually to move into a house bought their elderly parents living in the Stavropol region, while away from his son.

The degree of remoteness from the metropolis has become too difficult subject for reflection. Of course, its suburbs is very tempting from the investment point of view. Moreover, if the path on private vehicles in less than an hour, nothing prevents a visit to the country even in the middle of the workweek. But this is only one side of the issue. Kostya understood: a profitable investment and the search for a comfortable living environment - very different tasks. Not far off the time when the infrastructure and transportation network will transform these once-quiet place in the likeness of the city. Then farewell dream of a quiet provincial way of life, for which is to have a dacha. Taking all these circumstances, Kostya chose areas distant from Moscow to 70-130 km. Thus in his field of vision have been around a few cities: Serpukhov, Tula, Kaluga and Ryazan.

How ancient as the world

Many of those who ever sought a dacha, sooner or later resorted to a simple and tested method - putting up ads. Do not ignore it and dice. Leaflets with a laconic phrase: 'Buy a house with a plot in the area' in June 2005 appeared at railway stations, Serpukhov and Kaluga areas on village administration buildings, shops and easy on the posts.

Soon came the first call. For more worried about people who have had a very vague intentions. They asked, asked, trying to find out how much you can retrieve it from the dilapidated ancestral buildings. Agreed to ring later and disappeared. Once offered a very attractive option. House in the Kaluga region, near the famous linen factory - the former estate of his wife's relatives Pushkin, Goncharov. House for only $ 8 thousand, and with communications.

Kostya came to see exhibited on sale of the house. He saw a giant village, located in a dozen kilometers from the highway and the nearest railway station. Travel on a dirt road. The houses are very unusual for the Moscow region: in the series, almost close to each other, and they are not fenced off from the street front garden. Worse, the old buildings, sagging and crumbling, so-called shlakonalivnye. `What is this technology?` - Asked Kostya. The owner explained: `Burnt charcoal mixed with cement and manufactured components, and from them build houses. We have almost all of these `. This material, as it turned out, very bad egg: very fragile, with questionable insulation and environmental properties, it is not suitable for more than half a century of operation.

Kostya realized that as an object of sale in this case can be considered only a piece of land ten hectare area and the availability of fed gas. In general, the conversation has not turned out, and Sunday, and 30 liters of gasoline were wasted. Eventually my friend got the experience and realized that not every ad should go. Carefully callers asked about the nature of construction, the availability of roads and communications. Were recruited, so to speak, real estate experience.

Once called a serious seller and offered a house near the town of Maloyaroslavets, which is located half way to Kaluga. The owner told me that the house is sturdy bricks, 80 square meters. m. There is a garage, garden, well, 12 hectare of land. For all - $ 57 thousand, only one significant minus: stove heating, and no prospects in the near future hold gas. Invite parents furnace heating seemed completely unacceptable. It's not even that need to chop firewood. The main thing is that this type of fuel is by far the most costly (eg, WHO chopping firewood today would cost about 2 thousand rubles. - And this is not the highest rates). That is, and this option was unsuitable.

Worth calls for two or three summer months was about ten. Most of the proposed options Kostya have looked. The main defect of all these buildings was terrible neglect and neglected. Often when speaking hosts concealed location specific area. Many plots were located in marginalized in that is not safe in the absence of protection. They offered land in the gully - the stagnant water and lack of sun makes them unsuitable for agriculture. Not better, and land on the hill: in the hot summer the whole crop is killed by drought.

Kostya traveled south along the Moscow region and across. Finally, I realized that the search for ads - wasted time.


Once, once in Serpukhov, in a local newspaper kiosks Kostya found a newspaper with ads about real estate. As it turned out later, these newspapers are available and in Lipetsk, Tula, Kaluga, Ryazan and other cities. The very first ad, in which he was called, was a veiled advertising local real estate agency.

Thus began the acquaintance of our friend from suburban realtors. Buildings, where they are located, not be found immediately. Offices are located mostly in `dead` buildings with dilapidated state of entrances, usually on the first floor. Is the case everywhere: in Tarusa and Serpukhov, Chekhov and Thule. All offices exclusively local specialty: the agents have information only on its area and virtually nothing is known about the situation in nearby cities. In the so-called offices work five or six women, provincial dressed, discreet, but observation. Unhurried manners, good attitude. To the customer is always located, and tell all, it would seem, frankly, do not press, give thought. In a word - good psychologists.

Kostya was not the case that he met with the direct seller of real estate offered for sale. As a rule, the agency either already bought the object from the owner, or has the full of his bail. Everyone is interested in offering to see pictures of objects, and in the process of conversation trying to figure out exactly what the client is looking for. If an object like it, offer a look at it on the spot, in some cases for such excursions, the company provides free transport. Initially, Kostya did not suit either one of the options. He left the agents with coordinates and once or twice a week they phoned and offered to see one or the other house.

It is not fun, my own party

Gradually emerging a clear picture of the proposals. Cheapest - garden houses in six weave. Not adjusted for permanent residence, gasifying more often than not, they cost in the amount of $ 6 thousand to $ 15 thousand leather, wooden houses in the village a bit more expensive - an average of $ 10-30 thousand of the Earth are much greater. The controversial question is justified whether to call this infrastructure, but laid back in the postwar years 'general store' and working today; established access roads in some villages are laid gas pipes. There is even a library, gladly accepting a gift from the people Women's novels and detective stories. In terms of quality houses best, most reliable and durable (respectively, and expensive) are the structure of brick. Somewhat lower valued log - environmentally friendly, comfortable accommodation, but more prone to wear. Much less are preferred above shlakonalivnye home.

But the cheapest option - a house built of sleepers. Often these buildings Kostya seen near Tula. Coated with plaster and painted, they apparently can not be worse than others, but is taken into account: timber such houses `killed ', imbued with the very same composition as used in the construction of railways, but no residential buildings. The usefulness of such timber buildings, which are often billed as the undisputed benefits - no more than a topic for jokes.

And once again began the long weekend patrols in towns and villages. A suitable alternative was found in 90 km under the Obninsk. House for $ 30 thousand, with all amenities, 15 hectare of land. Interesting fact: the agency to actively promote this proposal, using as a trump card that the village has a working church. However, all these advantages do not compensate for one circumstance: on anything except the car to the village did not get. Of course, this fact realtors try to hide from a potential buyer.

Decent house is finally revealed in the village Zaokskom Serpukhov district. Wooden, a decent-looking, equipped with all the necessary communications, with a large, approximately 15 hectare parcel of land. Acquisition cost $ 43 thousand expensive, of course, but Kostya agreed and began to draw up documents. The whole process (to obtain certificates from the BTI, the passage of the land committee and receipt of cadastral number) expected to spend about two months. When the case was at its height, suddenly called representative of the agency and stated that the owner has the situation changed and he changed his mind about selling the house.

Everything had to start again. Neither the experience of work on the ads, no communication with the local realtors are not delivered from almost useless trips. Each time to detect all the new circumstances that have not been able to provide for a telephone conversation: the location is wrong, then the appearance of the house were not encouraging, the ownership of the land has not been discharged, the highway, communications, etc., etc.

`Gray Cardinals' garden associations

In the garden Partnerships `gray cardinals' often by their chairmen or accountants. Training seminar suitable administration, should talk with its inhabitants. Especially suitable one spring weekend, when all the polls gardeners are busy farming. Want to find a plot? Take a walk, take a look. With the most sociable vacationers should discuss the problem - they immediately put you on a chair or any person in charge of governance.

In all known author of partnerships is the case. The concerned chairman must ask to see their village, and if any catch the fancy house, will offer assistance in the acquisition. Do not be deluded - such services nebeskorystny. Rejoicing in the fact that the amount received broth you will most likely never know.

Ask what kind of levers of the Presidents and accountants to help navigate in the sale of property partnerships? First of all, debts, formed a multi-year non-payment of contributions. On average, 15-20% of members of associations in their areas do not live and do not pay for them. Property in Soviet times they had received from businesses, of course, free. The administration has to constantly, from one year to disturb these `virtual` vacationers, many eventually decide to sell. Accountant, as a rule, becomes the first to know about it, offers mediation or, again, buying property, subtracting from the value of unpaid debts. Where are the past - guess yourself. A little art, a bit cheeky and good luck, and the buyer is located. So if you are looking for a simple way and are willing to overpay - refer to the accountant.

Say thank occasion

And our friend Kostya after years of continuous search for a house yet found. Helped him, as often happens in life, in case. Name of village Zaoksky somehow etched in the memory of our friend. One day, quite despairing, Kostya looked through the newspaper with the ads. Suddenly flashed a familiar name. You never can tell? Rang, agreed. It turned out, sold homely log house, jacketed boards. Big, 27 hectare, plot, barn, cellar, all communications - all the pleasure is worth $ 22 thousand previous house, which refused to sell, cost, if you remember, almost twice as much. But he sold the agency, but here Kostya went to the seller. So the profit agencies can be calculated. My friend claims that it is exactly half.

Category: Bungalow | Added by: Дмитрий (19.03.2010)
Views: 333 | Rating: 0.0/0

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