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Market shakes off the chain

The four most important reasons for this trend, experts say, are as follows: under conditions of rising prices put across such operations merely technically difficult to play a role mortgage, which allows to move away from heavy operations (some Realtors will use any opportunity to dispense alternative transactions) less communal apartment in Moscow, which demanded resettlement. Perhaps another reason - the lack of a uniform standard of transacting different agent. The market at the same time doubted that the decline in the number of alternative transactions due to rising real incomes - not so much these costs have increased - or an increase in the number of buyers from other regions. Yes, the regionals are coming to Moscow real estate market with money, but there is no evidence that the percentage of nonresident buyers has increased significantly.

"Tourist train" from the past

Poverty, Muscovites housing unsettled and difficult exchanges housing as the only way to improve living conditions in pre-market times - all this contributed to the fact that since its inception in 1990. real estate market has mostly alternative.

Regular customer look like. The owner of a one-room apartment wants to sell it to a surcharge is ready to buy a new larger area, a suitable apartment is located, and its owner is ready to sell square meters, where he will pick two malogabaritki in different areas. The owner of one of the required return malogabaritok necessary room for an additional communal, and the second - a bigger flat ... And so on to infinity. For many years the secondary housing market of the capital continues to live is such a life.

If it is believed that approximately 60% of all apartments sold capital is Resale (Else - New), 50% of them are sold as an alternative - such, in particular, the Vice-President of the "Best-Real Estate of Michael and Catherine Gorokhovsky Ustinova , CEO "Poligrafzhilstroy. But it is now. Five years ago, they accounted for about 80%, according to specialists working in the market since its inception.

According to statistics, which now has the Moscow Association, Guild of Realtors (MAGR), on the secondary real estate market carried 600 000 transactions per year. Over the past 2005 this figure had fallen to 2%, although the volume of secondary market is constantly replenished, including through new buildings. In MAGR explain that the reduction occurs at the expense of failed alternatives: assessment of Michael Gorokhovsky, three-trained realtors "conversations" split two. Accordingly, decreases the number of alternative transactions on the secondary market. For example, in the "Best" share of alternative transactions is 12%, although in general the agency is actively working in the segment of the secondary housing.

When property values increase by 27% per year, said Gorokhovskiy, the possibility of alternative transaction is complicated. Alternatives require time, sometimes on their construction takes 3-4 months, during which time the price of apartments varies significantly. The proposed co-payment may be not enough for the seller. Solve the problem by increasing the value of available for sale of real estate, too, does not work - if you drive the price, you may lose the buyer. Arrangements, even backed by advances are fragile.

Substantial price increases for several years has led to the task "to sell to buy" is practically impossible, possible impact on the market occurred in late 2003 - early 2004, the processes, when prices jumped up, analysts estimate that more than 40%. Sellers and buyers had to wait to see if a party to the transaction, just want to buy or sell without asking anything in return. But the decline in the share of alternative transactions Realtors felt it was in 2005

The problem with the construction of "chains" complicated if the counter alternative housing that suits the client, offers another real estate agency, known in the market for its unpredictable behavior. This can include, for example, refund. As is known, repeated attempts by some major companies to introduce standard contracts for customer service failed. Everyone is working on my own, independently developed by a contractual basis. They say the market is the tacit installation - not to apply to some firms already have a bad name. However, this rule can apply only to those whose names are known. Weight firm floats on the market for a one-off transactions. What is their "standard practice" can be understood only after the fact.

In "Miel" confirm: recent alternative "trains" are often stymied. If the buyer finds the seller is not with money but with the unsold apartment, it's likely the deal will not take place at all - unprofitable for the seller to wait for a sale and the needed amount will be finally at hand. In such cases, interesting variations have to watch, keeping your money in hand. And should be alert to the possibility that the "ultimate price", as agreed in the evening, the morning will be $ 5000 higher. Often, they say in "Miel", clients have to accept low liquidity supply or not the most advantageous terms of the transaction. Forced to make are those who, for example, can not count on getting a mortgage.

Zakonoprimenitelnaya practice in part to the fact that vendors often fail to meet obligations under the prior contracts, because of which the scatter alternative transaction.

The courts do not recognize the plaintiffs-buyers the right to refund the deposits of fines or twice the amount, considering that the rule of law applies only to transactions, and the preliminary agreement, which precedes the sale of homes - that's not a deal. If the courts, understanding the social significance of the problems in determining the compensation to take into account not only the direct losses suffered by the preliminary contract, but also loss of profits, the situation would change, said Michael Gorokhovskiy. In MAGR intend to generalize the well-known judicial practice and send a request to the Supreme Court, basing the social significance of the problem and asking for clarification of the court's position.

Literate steel ...

Confirming the trend decline in the share of alternative transactions in the Moscow market, Chairman of the Board of Directors Miel-Real Estate Grigory Kulikov said that the reason is - the development of the mortgage.

More and more people are taking credit for the purchase of new housing. And it saves customers from participating in multi-pass combination with real estate, labor-intensive for the execution and unpredictable in outcome. You can take a loan to buy a new apartment, and then sell the old, extinguished most of the debt. You can get a loan amount, a missing to buy an apartment desired area.

Managing Director, MIEL Ruslan Sate-Lyumanov considered one of the reasons why the share of alternative transactions and the increased consumer awareness. Many Muscovites have already gained experience of participation in the transactions of purchase and sale of apartments and understand that the maximum price can be obtained only from the sale of a free apartment, ie, ready to take part in normal operation, carried out without the conditions for obtaining something in return. If there is an opportunity to borrow money short term to buy a new home, move, and then sell the old, more and more people prefer to do so.

Similarly, in cases of purchases. According to branch manager "in Strastnoy Boulevard" Company "New City" Svetlana Abelian, buyers, having learned by bitter experience, now with much more willing to buy vacant apartments. If you have a choice, buy free, even if it is more expensive.

Simple solutions

"New City" deals with the resettlement of communal apartments, and therefore actively participates in alternative transactions. In such situations, said Abelian, for a realtor it is important not to pull the "chain" on, and pick up the resettlement of only vacant apartments, even more expensive. If the settlement takes 3-4 communal apartments, the choice is so that non-free had only one apartment. It is more difficult when the apartments to 5-6. Then you have to accept the two, requiring alternative. Thus, realtors confirm that they themselves want a more simple schemes.

In practice, the company was the case, says Svetlana Abelian, when the realtor in order to expedite the process, came up with several non-standard solution. For communal settlement needed to find six apartments, and it was done. Someone quickly agreed to the move, and someone not in a hurry. In this situation, agents came to the aid of the husband of one of the inmates in communal, which was eager to move. A large man, a good sized walk-in closet, every morning at twenty-eight locked in the toilet and sat there for half an hour. Behind the door cursing other residents, shouting ... A fortnight later the whole apartment with joy had left in their chosen accommodation.

There is another mechanism SOLUTIONS alternative deals - buy apartment real estate company. This method as a tool out of difficult situations using a long time, but we can not say that too often. Only in those cases, says Anna Koreshkova, a leading specialist company Contact - INVESTMENT PROPERTY ", when the object is available to 10 percent below market value.

The problem of alternative transactions regards agencies for luxury real estate in a much lesser extent. Employees "Contact - INVESTMENT PROPERTY" are mostly with the case when serving residents tsekovskih houses the center. In the practice of the agency share of alternative transactions is 20%. But since the housing sector tsekovskogo quite large, the agents agency, predicts Koreshkova a long time will have to work on such schemes.

Maxim Katalov, Sales Director, Bureau of Real Estate "Agent 002", cchitaet that the reduction in the percentage of alternative transactions contributes to a general reduction in the percentage of apartments in the city of communal type of settlement. Although the greatest impact, he agreed, provided the mortgage market. And the convenience of using credit for housing solutions for people just beginning to understand. In one case, recalls Katalov, when a client took a bank loan to buy a two-bedroom apartments, has already lost faith in the possibility to extend the studio with an additional charge. As a result, when new home was purchased, he decided not to part with the old one - was to pass through the apartment and the rent each month to pay with the bank.

To enter the market without the need to participate in alternative transactions, said Ekaterina Ustinova, do not even take credit. In her observation, the clients successfully reborrow money privately for 3-4 months. In general, it refers to alternative transaction relic of the past, which in 10 years will cease to exist at all.

Who needs

Is it the realtor to alternative transactions, confusing and Multiport? Given that even the simplest option - selling the apartment of the client and his selection for the other, with an additional charge - it has two operations, for which the Agent will receive two rewards (such as completion of the two transactions), it turns out to be beneficial. But Michael Gorokhovskiy not agree. He believes that the remuneration does not cover labor costs for an alternative transaction, but they are not comparable with those required in ordinary cases, a simple purchase or a simple sale. His opinion Gorokhovskiy confirms the reference to the practice of Canadian realtors. In a similar housing prices and lower commission income of Canadian brokers is much higher, because they do not need to "kill" on complex combinations, requiring time and effort. Maxim Katalov notes that in the real estate agencies for alternative always readily undertook only interns (curiously, often with success, they spent most unimaginable combination). People with experience of trying to "trains" to avoid.

However, for agencies and brokers, preferring to clip coupons any means, alternative transaction, as, indeed, and generally work with the secondary real estate, give a lot of opportunities, anonymously say realtors. For example, often a citizen, asking the agency to find him instead treSka two one-bedroom apartments, the market value of existing housing does not know. And how many put it in his pocket agent may remain anonymous. Usually the size of the broker commission received emerge only when signing a receipt by the seller (one of the mandatory documents in the sale of housing).

In practice, this is as follows: about a receipt clients do, as a rule, and do not know, it is usually written Realtors. But the seller's signature is required. And when this paper brings to the client, he can see the real figures and indignant. For example, selling treSka, as explained by realtors, worth $ 70 000, respectively, the client are two malogabaritki to $ 35 000. The client is quite pleased: with it, even the commission did not take! And suddenly appears before receipt of the transaction assurance that the apartment sold for $ 80 000. Here is the set of surprises for customers, ending the scandals and other troubles for realtors. Such actions can be described by realtors CCRF as unjust enrichment and concealment of the commission.

The victim in such cases becomes a client. But, says Michael Gorokhovskiy, he becomes a victim in the case where the alternative transaction never took place. If this happens, the efforts are wasted realtor, suffers the prestige of the profession, trade mark agency. And in a domino number of victims of a failed state, "chain" increases many times. According Gorokhovsky, citizens in need of alternative transactions, in Moscow is still a great many - simply because not everyone can count on the mortgage loans.

In the "New City" did not consider market alternatives as "receding nature", a relic of the past, which in the near future, you can say goodbye. By observation Svetlana Abelian, now about 70% of sellers immediately bought a new home, without the participation of alternative transactions. However, she predicted, most of the market they will not leave. Moreover, now there is accommodation provided by the city on social employment, and its share will increase. These apartments - but they will not be subject to privatization - inevitably will be included in the "chain". So even on the contrary, projected in the "New City", will return the time of exchanges, and in the most difficult to modify them.


Category: City properties | Added by: Дмитрий (18.03.2010)
Views: 408 | Rating: 0.0/0

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