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Warehouse in the City

The rapid development of warehousing market is largely outside the Moscow Ring Road. It is along the radial highways grow modern warehouse facilities top class. Meanwhile, many tenant companies in dire need of quality (or not) of storage space in the city, to quickly deliver products to clients and customers. They are something today and have the most difficult.
Low grade

Alas, the proposal of warehouses in Moscow is extremely limited. They are mainly represented space, preserved from the Soviet era and is now rebuilt to meet the needs of tenants. According to market research specialist at Jones Lang LaSalle Olga Rybakova, most of the stores within the city is a low-quality buildings - a multi-storey complexes or buildings still remaining in the industrial zone: mainly ovoschebazy, sheds and other outbuildings. According to the head of warehouse real estate company Praedium Ruslan Suvorov, premises Class C and D occupy more than 70% of the stock market in Moscow. Total area of warehouses of this class of Deputy Director of warehouse real estate company Knight Frank Victor Afanasenko estimates at 1.9 million square meters.

However, according to Olga Rybakova, the total market warehouses classes A and B in Moscow is just 420 thousand square kilometers. m, of which class A is 60-70 thousand.
Increase supply in the market is moving extremely slowly. On the contrary: in Moscow there is a whole program for the withdrawal of industrial and warehouse facilities outside the city (a few years ago the government of Moscow adopted two relevant resolutions). Over the same building new storage facilities in Moscow developers are taken very reluctantly. Too expensive land, the shortage of land, a lot of burdens imposed on the investment contracts officials in Moscow - all this leads to the fact that investors are much more profitable to build on the existing site office or a shopping center, which will bring боґльшую returns in one square meter of land used. Also, a negative impact on the development of the market has a restriction on entry into the capital of heavy traffic. "A large proportion of announced projects of warehouses will be used by owners for its domestic needs, and only a part - leased (for example, a warehouse complex of" Fragrant World of the Onshore travel) ", - said Ruslan Suvorov (Praedium). According to Olga Rybakova (JLL), the landlord can not raise rates much rent the warehouse, built in the city, which means that many projects could be uneconomic due to high costs of construction of a warehouse in the city.
Beam reach

If developers are not involved in the construction of warehouses within the city, it turns out they are not wanted? Not at all: the demand - huge.

- At present, demand exceeds supply as a high-quality warehouse facilities in Moscow and in the warehouses of classes C and D. The level of vacant space is low and stable is 0-3%, - noted Ruslan Suvorov. However, he said, the vacant space is present mainly in low-quality, convenient stores are located, as well as inflated rental rates.

Demand for capital stores is created mainly by small and medium-sized companies, aiming to work with the end user. For them, it is important location in close proximity to customers and the ability to deliver the goods in the limited time, saving on transport costs. Typical tenants of warehouses in the city - small logistics, trading and distribution firms, online shopping, delivery services, etc. Sometimes the warehouse in the capital and acquire a large logistics specialists, placing them in some units, delivering products directly to end users. Every effort is to ensure that cars loaded with no idle kilometer traffic jams at the entrance to Moscow. "The location of the warehouse in the city is a prerequisite for companies express delivery of goods, online stores, companies specializing in Retail sale of goods from the warehouse, service companies. Preferably the presence of warehouses in Moscow for some distribution companies and logistics operators "- summarizes Ruslan Suvorov. But large chain retailers rent warehouses in Moscow is not interested: "Theoretically warehouses in cities can be claimed by retailers for effective distribution to the stores, but most of these shops are small areas for storage of necessary stock directly in retail outlets", -- explains Victor Afanassenko (Knight Frank).

But experts warn: warehouses in Moscow, only fit those tenants who have to deal with small batches of goods, which means that they can be transported on small-scale or passenger transport. Entry huge Fur in Moscow is not welcome, so companies working with large parties, much more profitable to rent premises in the area.

An important advantage of the Moscow warehouse is the possibility of renting small spaces. "As a rule, within the Moscow Ring Road боґльшим demand storage space to 1 000 square meters. m ", - said Senior Consultant, Department of commercial real estate company Blackwood Andrew Zhamkin. Meanwhile, owners of large warehouse complexes in Moscow handed out its space to tenants only large portions - from 2,5 thousand square. m.

The level of rents in Moscow stores may vary from 80 to 250 dollars per square meter per year. Everything depends on the location and quality of facility, the availability of convenient access routes and even the proximity to the metro station (it is fundamentally important, for example, for tenants, selling directly from the warehouse).
Warehouses on the way!

All interviewees "Business Magazine" experts solidarity: warehouse real estate market within the town was, is and will be, but it develops much more slowly than in the area. Andrew Zhamkin believes that the market in Moscow will not increase significantly, and with the withdrawal beyond the Moscow Ring Road factories and industrial zones, on the contrary, will decrease. Especially strong reduction will affect low-quality facilities that will either completely destroyed or reconstructed. "The fate of the classes C and D are predetermined: the area will decline as due to the closure of facilities, and due to their transition to another class", - says Victor Afanasenko.

Category: Commercial Property | Added by: Дмитрий (21.03.2010)
Views: 338 | Rating: 0.0/0

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