Properties valued at $ 1.5 million to $ 8 million to be located near the theme park Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. The project called Golden Oak will include 450 homes and a hotel Four Seasons, calculated on 445 numbers. In addition, it will be composed of two golf courses. The total area of the project will amount to 980 acres, writes The Wall Street Journal. According to the company, the full completion of the project will take 10 years. Buyers interested in the first portion, may make an initial contribution of $ 25,000. Some analysts argue that those prices that Disney will sell its facilities are too high for the state of the most significant level of housing exclusion for mortgage debt. In addition, the average cost of residential properties on the market of Orlando fell to 50-60% relative to peak performance of 2007. This is not the first experience of the company in the field of housing premium. In the mid 1990's. She implemented the project Celebration, which consisted of 6,000 homes.