Completion of the construction sites, abandoned by bankrupt developers - not altruism, and not "social responsibility", and quite a profitable business, whatever may be said in public themselves "dostroyschiki! Large developers are telling the whole story, claiming that they have undertaken "dostroy" objects almost no profit. The calculations show "Business Journal, profits from such projects is quite possible (see sidebar). Given the bonuses that go to the "dostroyschikam", this activity can not be called charity. However, spoiled easy money builders are taking up "dostroy" reluctantly, because the income from such projects is much lower than usual: if the average return on development projects is set at 100%, the income from the "finish building" can range from 5 to 50%. We build, to build ... Current stalled construction easily divided into two types. First - objects that are constructed in good faith enough developers that have failed simply because they, for whatever reasons, summed up the economic sense. Another class of abandoned objects - houses, The projected rogue companies who do not intend to complete construction. It is a pity, but today we dominated just such objects: "investors" had originally planned to attract the largest possible number of co-investors, to invest in the project the minimum amount of own funds and disappear in an unknown direction with money swindled citizens. Objects that are beginning to build developers Failed, built at least 20%. They are equipped with all the necessary initial and permissive documentation, and the number of apartments sold exceeds the amount of built not more than twice. Meanwhile, with buildings speculators things are much worse. In the best variant of a "developer" bother to fence the site and pour the foundation. Many of the documents for the construction, except for the investment contract, usually absent, but non-existent house has been sold at times even at 100, and 150% - double or even triple sales in this case was one of the components of the scheme "business." In the end, after the flight or arrest psevdoinvestora in the dry residue found a crowd of angry co-investors, meeting at the overgrown weeds land. It will be done! As a result, a fairly drastic measures attempted fraud on Russia's residential real estate market virtually ceased. However, the authorities have a question: what to do with those who have already become a victim? Send perpetrators behind bars - a good thing. But for real estate investors duped is not an option - they need an apartment! Also scored last fall speed motion defrauded co-investors might well grow into a very serious social and even socio-political upheavals. The authorities, who bear a significant share of responsibility for what happened (in fact it was signed by local officials were assigned to the investment contract swindlers), was asked to exert maximum efforts to abandoned facilities were finished. It only remained to see who will undertake this work. And for someone, in fact, account. Municipalities and affiliated companies with extra money to address problems defrauded real estate investors are not found. It was decided to bring in such projects of private developers. At first glance, the idea seemed absurd. Representatives of the capital's real estate companies in one voice declared: no private developer would not be able to bring such projects, even at the zero level of profitability, not to mention profit. But it turned out that the capital of the company in case of extreme need and can not at this. Especially if they offer a loyalty to the authorities in return, reduce burdens and countervailing grounds. This is how the soil for bargaining. Pioneers The first 30 unlucky construction projects in the Moscow region have already found new investors, and three houses even successfully put the state commission (on the streets Nikitskaya, Baikal and Chechulina). Until the end of the year will be commissioned facilities Shcholkovskoye highway (quarter 37-38, ow. 18, Building 1 - two sections), the 4 th Civil Str. (owner 36), Chertanovskaya (owner: 48-50) and the street Pilyugin (owner 18, three sections). At the same time, Moscow's largest developers are eyeing with evident interest to the abandoned building sites in the regions, and some even began negotiations with local administrations. Until the completion of foreign construction projects handled by three companies - PIK-Region "," M.O.R.E Plaza and the SU-155. And not on their own initiative and on an explicit call "from above". By "M.O.R.E Plaza" to help the city to resolve the current situation around the unfinished objects "asked the city government will," PIK-Region "to assist the administration asked Dmitrov district, and SU-155 generally operates on the decision of the Government of Moscow . "It is standard practice, SU-155 completes the house, guided by the relevant orders of the Government of Moscow", - briefly explained in the press-service of the company. Now "M.O.R.E Plaza completes two objects (via 2-I Bukhvostova, ow. 7, and Presnensky Val, ow. 16, p. 3), SU-155 - three (at home at the Lomonosov Prospect, Nikita Schelkovskoye street and highway), and "PIK-Region" - even the record: the company is working on the problem sites in the frontal, Dolgoprudny, Khimki, Dedovsk and Mytischi. And recently became aware of the plans of the company Renova-Development "completed in Moscow a few objects for unscrupulous developers. In addition, negotiations on the completion of construction of one home "social initiative" and the company is "New Square". "The Moscow government has managed to put to work to complete projects on systemic basis", - says company spokeswoman, "City-XXI Century" Sergei Liadov. Where such business activity? Developers realized: finish building the house one way or another it will have, and in such a situation is useful to be in the forefront to get the maximum amount of bonuses and preferences for "active citizenship". Morning money It may seem that the authorities managed to find an effective solution to the problem defrauded co-investors, and the only thing to wait until the "responsible" developers have completed the construction of all the problem objects. But not so simple. First of all, the authorities should provide investors with appropriate conditions, because they work at a loss will not be none. - Before you take an object or refuse to completion, we carefully analyze the situation. At the site, which is offered to us for completed, audited: we check the technical condition of the house, the availability of project documentation and its compliance with current requirements. Then make a list of co-investors, reveal a double sale, which occurs often enough, and checking accounts, etc. Only then will decide - is it possible to do something with a specific construction site or project completely hopeless, - commented on the position of company CEO " PIK-Region "Sergey Kahn. And the Chairman of the Board of Directors of M.O.R.E Plaza Demetrius Andreenkov said "Business magazine:" Economic analysis showed that, assuming the obligations of the two objects, we have, except through the city and maintain the status of a reliable company Naturally, we get economic benefit. "