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Main » Articles » Real Estate » Hotels

In Rome hotel built from waste

In Rome, the hotel began construction of a waste.

The author of the project is the German artist Hans-Juergen Schulte, who was famous for creating huge sculptures of plastic bags, aluminum cans and other waste.

Hotel under the name Corona Save The Beach Hotel is two and can take up to 10 people a day. It will become part of campaign to save European beaches and marine resources, which launched in 2008 brewer Corona Extra.

The hotel has to remind people about the harm they cause nature of their reckless actions. The construction of the hotel used to be garbage collected from some beaches in Europe.

The project site was created It can inform the beach, which too polluted, or book a hotel room in landfill. His first guest will be former supermodel Helena Christensen of Denmark with. She will attend the inauguration of the building.

Recall previously reported that two Chinese farmers spent 20 years to make the hands of a race car racing found in their farm dumps and details of cars and bicycles, pots and other scrap metal.

Category: Hotels | Added by: Дмитрий (14.06.2010) W
Views: 311 | Rating: 0.0/0

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