Some analysts are predicting an early collapse of prices on the real estate market. Do you think it will not be in this situation more profitable and safer to invest money in the bank? A much more practical and safer to make investment decisions together with the specialist, who has a clear understanding of market trends - Return on investment in real estate is worth more than yield bank deposits, which in our country, unfortunately, retain the reputation of the investment tools at risk. Too fresh in memory Trials with the withdrawal of banking licenses and the queues of depositors, who could not return their deposits. And the real estate market, especially the capital, demand has far exceeded supply. Therefore, forecasts of imminent collapse in prices, in my view, unjustified. Nevertheless, the situation in the real estate market is particularly important to choose an investment object and the investment period, ie time profit. What properties are preferred for private investment? Choosing an investment object depends primarily on its liquidity and size of the invested funds. For those in possession of not millions, of vital choice - to take an investment object in the long-term lease and receive a steady income or time to sell it and get a quick profit. Not surprisingly, the increased demand from private investors enjoy small-sized housing secondary market: one-and two-bedroom apartments. When you take into account such factors as location, availability of telephone and balcony, and planning. What is the return on investment in new buildings " - After passing the State Commission and the registration of ownership apartment on the primary market stands at 20% more expensive than the last price of the builder. Prior to the adoption of the law `On the participation in the joint construction 'developers started to sell' air 'apartment in the very early stages of construction, sometimes even before the end of the registration of licenses. Because of the risks of private investors could get a very low initial price and make good money by selling the finished apartments. Yield such an operation could reach 100%. Following the adoption of the law `On the participation in joint construction` contractor has the right to sell the apartments only at the stage of excavation. This led to a reduction in the investment period and minimize the risks, but profit was much smaller. Despite this in the face of rising profitability of investments in new buildings is now no less than 40%. What are the prospects for private investment in the suburban real estate? Compared to urban real estate markets of the capital, which is monopolized by the big players with rich experience, with substantial financial and administrative resources, suburban real estate market is still undeveloped and chaotic. Here is a large number of builders and developers, many of whom lack the experience or resources. In this situation, the private investor to invest in risky projects under construction, the future liquidity of which almost nothing is guaranteed. It is better to buy land - plots without a contract within a radius of 15 km from Moscow. Amortization deterioration in land cottage building there is little, but its cost is constantly increasing. In the past year prices on the ground near Moscow, depending on the direction of increased approximately 70-150%. What are the difficulties faced by private investors, choosing the object of investment? The main problem of private investment - is an information vacuum that exists in the Russian market. In the West, information on real estate transactions are public, and private investor may have a clear idea about the prospects of investment in this or that object. In our country, access to the records of the Chamber is limited. In the open-source is specified, only the offer price, not the final purchase price. Therefore, investors, beginners have to rely solely on rumors and the press. The situation is complicated by the fact that the media often appears very contradictory information depending on whose interests they support. Can be seen as a source of information about real estate specialized portals or sites of major realtors? Internet information resources are limitless. Major realty company conduct a serious analysis, results of which are partially represented on their sites or on specialized sites. However, the full amount of information can be obtained only by buying a database or ordering a study for the region. The price of the analytical data varies from one to several hundred dollars. Exclusive research will cost the customer at least $ 1-1,5 thousand. Moreover, in Russia today the World Wide Web - is a tool of the young. The older generation of investors for the most part relates to the Internet with a slight suspicion. What is more risky for the novice real estate investor: make independent decisions or to rely on expert advice? Of course, much more practical and safer to make investment decisions together with the specialist, who has a clear understanding of market trends, the liquidity facility and the prospects of investing in one or another segment. It is very important that this specialist credible. Otherwise, the novice investor risks losing the entire capital.