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Financial Outsourcing: the good or evil?

It has long been used by Western companies outsourcing technology was initially met with Russian businessmen with distrust. But soon her first "victims" were production units, IT-departments, HR-service ... It seems that now it is the finance department. Maybe this is too much, and she had to stop?

Vladislav Drobot, Deputy Director of the company's risks Integrated Services Group (ISG)
Sergei Beglyarov, chairman of Board of Directors of Construction Company Telecom

Vladislav Drobot: Financial Outsourcing has the right to exist, because its benefits have been fully appreciated by businessmen of other countries and this technique is effectively applied by them to this day. Probably not all the functions of finance department to send in the appropriate management of the company, but did not recognize the significance of this mechanism can not.

Sergei Beglyarov: Perhaps, but as the owner of a manufacturing company and first practice, I have all of the financial units to outsourcing would not give none. I think the same position now held by many Russian businessmen.

VD: What most owners do not want to part with the main treasure of the company - Finance Department, said that in our country's entrepreneurs are not yet ready for this kind of outsourcing. At the same time I would like to recall that business first, and extremely negative attitude to the transfer of those functions whose implementation is now safely entrusted to outside companies. Barely a few years, as the situation changed. Now the company realistically assess the possibility of outsourcing and the need to use this mechanism in order to concentrate on its core business and not waste resources on business processes, hindering the overall development of the company.

SB: Let's first define some concepts. By outsourcing is a transfer of certain functions, blocks or challenges third-party company. I do not deny that some companies use such services, but I note that it is not in a form that is traditionally used in the West. Many organizations turn to auditors and consultants, in addition, be pleased to deduce from the company to outsource IT-department, or some manufacturing functions. On the transfer of the same financial issues in the management of the company, as a rule, it is not conducted.

VD: I would not say so categorically. Still, some companies are already fully informed decisions about the removal of outsourcing, for example, completely whole accounting.

SB: This is probably true for small companies with low capitalization and simple business processes, which is really expensive maintenance cost of its own qualified accountant, rather than outsourcing for bookkeeping. If we take, for example, the production company, where real-time spinning a lot of primary documents? These securities have value as accounting and management. Therefore, to attract outsourcing to maintain current financial performance inappropriate. At least outsourcer simply not cope with the volume of documentation that such a company generates. Or the price will be prohibitive ...

VD: I think that the largest consulting companies, this problem is not on the shoulder?

SB: There is the likelihood that representatives of the "big four" are able to assume such obligations, but their services are often unavailable mid-level companies due to their high cost and low-interest of auditors in such projects. They are actively cooperating with corporations, the turnover of more than $ 50 million a year. Even so, I am convinced that the specialists "big four" can not cope with the primary documentation, as it make out the people who work for the company. The functions of finance department involve management accounting, compilation and analysis of a large number of budgets, business planning and the actual task of financial services, ie, determining the profitability of the company, individual projects, etc., lay them on the outside professionals will not work. After all, a huge part to play in specificity of a particular business, to understand which can only be one who is directly involved in the organization, rather than professionals. What would happen if the manager outsourcing, which oversees the financial affairs of the company, suddenly replaced? Then we'll induct a new person. Thus, the presence of a large volume of documentation and the specific business does not allow you to fully outsource financial services organization.

VD: I have to agree with you that the notion of competence does indeed play an important role. Niche companies no one is safe to send their financial functions. Very hard to find in the outsourcing companies of professionals versed in specific issues, such as in matters such industries as construction.

SB: On top I would like to mention the fact that the financial outsourcing can be compared with the confessor, which the company must trust all the information about its activities. This in itself is alarming any leader. Therefore, the question of security can not write off.

VD: You are now talking about the risks - some of the possible problems. However, the consequences are absolutely any step a company can be both positive and negative. If an enterprise, in principle, refuse to risk, it means that he generally would have to abandon any action. It is therefore necessary to explore risks. For example, at the decision to transfer the functions to outsourcing is necessary to identify all the risks inherent in this project. Note that in addition to the risks arising from the transfer of all information from third-party organizations also exist, and their risks - for example, it might make a mistake in the calculations. It is also necessary to evaluate the reputation of future "spiritual father", his and his opportunities for finance. In addition, for a decision it is important to compare the cost of maintaining its own financial department and outsourcing services. However, if you identify all of these pitfalls, the company can safely insure against collision with them. That is why I am against skeptical owners, who claim that transmit finance company in the conduct of party organization, in principle, unacceptable.

SB: I do not think that all these mechanisms are used to reduce the risks really work. Even the current legislation, in my opinion, can not provide effective protection to the client. Legal risks of financial outsourcing does not allow to actively use it.

VD: If you mean the risk of error outsourcing, then this can insure. When it comes to the transfer of financial functions, we can advise companies to contract with the outsourcer to oblige it to enter into an agreement with an insurance organization with a view, if the service company, God forbid, a mistake and the tax office to present a claim to the client ...

SB: ... and he will have to go to court, to bring the legal profession, whose services are valued dearly. It's huge additional costs!

VD: Yes, but the client can provide in the contract condition that the outsourcer will represent him in court. It's not just consultants, who came, taught how to do, and went away, but consultants and professionals, taking responsibility for one set of financial functions they perform.

SB: And yet I can hardly imagine how we can prevent errors outsourcing. Of course, for such a case the contract may provide penalties, but the damage while the company can be measured not only in money. In addition, insurance outsourcing is unlikely to improve the situation of the company, because of the cost of insurance will be included in the cost of its services.

VD: Generally speaking, the cost of financial services outsourcing is often less than the sum of the cost of maintaining his own state accounting for a large company. Financier or accountant of high class today have to offer higher wages. And if you need the presence of several specialists? Not every company can afford such a luxury. At the same time, I note that a consulting firm specializing in financial outsourcing, offset such costs from the proceeds of funds from numerous clients. For example, not every company has people who can be qualitatively transformed accounting standards in IFRS format. The best solution, in my opinion, will give this function to outsource, but not for a new employee or distract from the current professional activities are concerned.

SB: This rule does not always work. Pricing from outsourcing may be different - hourly or per transaction. Take, for example, payroll. Suppose a customer in the state of 200 employees, multiply, figuratively speaking, to 175 rubles for the preparation of information on one person. The amount of 35 000 and will be on the bill for the services of outsourcing. At the same time its own specialist for this amount in a month make a calculation on the spot, quickly and in addition perform other functions. In fact, all these things need to be carefully calculate. Incidentally, the only thing that I would probably not hesitate to outsource - it is just restating financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS in IFRS. But the notorious mental factor has not yet allow me to do. Because all it is more important, what is the actual person who will deal with finances, not the company where he works. Can an outside expert to understand the esprit de corps? I think that convey concern about finances can be a familiar company. Consider the financial feasibility of outsourcing is only in this way.

VD: You're right, for the Russian business element of trust is indeed important. However, despite the confidence necessary to be in each case, the assessment and calculation, and the real need and the possibility of financial outsourcing.

SB: Yet to fully calculate the scenarios is not yet possible, because the practice is not enough. I can not say that the skeptical in principle to the use of financial outsourcing. But at the current stage of development of this phenomenon in Russia to make financial functions outside the company's inappropriate. That's when you are worthy of legal framework for such transactions, highly specialized professional consulting companies, etc., then the financial outsourcing will be in demand. This trend of corporate relations in developed countries.

VD: In Russia, financial outsourcing is in its infancy. I want to cite another example. Most companies outsource this function to banks finance department, as the issuance of salary when the employee receives a salary for the card with a bank account. Undoubtedly, it is very convenient and the company and the employee. In deciding whether to transfer this function to outsourcing company compares the cost of banking services and internal cost of activities related to cash flow, assess their risks and risks of the bank. Calculations of confidence in the bank, plus lead to a positive decision on the transfer of functions and as a consequence - a decrease in "headache". Another example of global statistics on one of the financial functions - payroll. The cost of this operation on a staff member is 5-6 dollars. If you pay payroll operations outside organization, the savings amount to $ 3-4.

I think that now the domestic business is gradually beginning to understand the financial benefits of outsourcing, so its future is difficult to predict.

Alex Kurakin, Deputy General Director of "Company EMK-Engineering":

"In my opinion, vital axiom is that in any discussion of truth is always in the middle. The issue is no exception, as the financial outsourcing actually has both advantages and disadvantages. However, the pluses and minuses are distributed in almost equal proportions. Among the advantages of devolution of financial department in the conduct of a third-party companies may note the following: the inclusion of organizations are much more professional approach to solving financial problems and a very clear handle the technical and fiscal aspects of the problem. In the same regard to customer relationships with investors, its strategy, ambitions, ideas, dreams, and so on - the financial outsourcer not help. For each of your mentality, character and vision of the situation. Another company, even if all its staff in finance guru, can not feel the corporate spirit, to learn and understand all the nuances of the client, especially if the business is too specific. In my opinion, to transfer certain functions of the Finance Department on outsourcing costs, but it is better that they are duplicated and supervision within the company. Thus, professional outsourcing combined with the ideological approach of their own staff. This symbiosis gives really good results. Acting in tandem, the outsourcer and the client provides a comprehensive approach to the implementation of any financial transaction. "

Olga Pikashkova, CEO of AFT-Consult:

"Gradually, CEOs come to the conclusion that the bookkeeping and tax accounting independent companies more profitable and safer. Often this is due to misalignment of supply and demand of professionals who work in this field. The cost of a qualified chief accountant overstated. If we compare the wages of such a professional and cost accounting services, it is possible to detect a significant difference. Young growth companies or companies just organized can not afford to have a qualified accountant in the state, so by hiring an inexperienced or illiterate specialists, managers, saving the wages of the chief accountant, shall assume the financial and tax risks.

If the state of the company already has an accountant, but he has enough experience and skills for reporting, then the data function you can send professional consulting company.

Financial Consulting is also an assistant for those who just want to build your business. It will help you choose the tax system and establish financial policies. The advantage of providing accounting services to third-party organizations is that in this case, each party to the transaction is professionally engaged in their work. Past professional experience of staff consulting firm can not compare with the experience of one, though very qualified chief accountant. Entrusting the accounts of the foreign organization, the firm can not worry about the composition and timing of delivery of the reporting. After all, she no longer needed to track the constantly changing forms of accounting and tax reporting, the emergence of new taxes, changes in rates, and it will not depend on the health status of accountants in the reporting period and the timing of its release.

Unfortunately, we are now confronted with the fact that not all companies providing financial services, with due attention to issues related to their clients, and as a consequence of this attitude is growing dissatisfaction with clients outside accounting services. This is due to the fact that for many companies, this activity is optional and functions of accounting services performed by one person. "

Nicholas Devjatkin, financial analyst ZAO KomplektServis, Ph.D.:

"Clearly, financial outsourcing - it is very convenient, less troublesome and costly than the creation and support of its own financial department. After all, while there is no problem in finding experts, their remuneration, workplace organization, etc. However, in my opinion, this option is suitable only for small businesses. For medium and large organizations of this kind of service carries more risk and inconvenience than the benefits, of course, if they are not part of the holding.

First, financial outsourcing is accompanied by a real threat to the security business, and it should not necessarily be linked to the violation of the letter of the law. Rather, the risk of the need to disclosure of trade secrets, methods of survival in a competitive environment. The fact that a large company has many secrets, including financial.

Category: Information | Added by: Дмитрий (20.03.2010)
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