Rare case Real estate professionals are absolutely unanimous in saying that talk of an alternative to the elite segment of the possible. However, this is not an option in the conventional sense, and the situation itself - rather the exception to the rule. First, the buyers of expensive apartments enough money, and secondly, the procedure is too long the transaction. `The main enemy of alternatives - time. Once the new building appears in the chain, any alternative transaction falls apart. This is due to the fact that the design in his own apartment in a new home can vary from year to two years', - says Viktor Kozlov, managing director of investment and construction company `Augur Estate`. Where it takes place in the elite segment of the alternative is buying, is extremely small. This happens when the owner are tempted to sell the apartment at a reasonable price, or he decides to move, for example, for the city. Irina Zharova Wright, managing partner Nordblom Group, simulates another scenario: `For example, the great tycoon has long lived in the` Golden Mile 'and wants to move closer to his mother. Then, at the same time sold her apartment and bought another in Prechistenka, but it is not necessary, since in such a transaction, most likely will not be severe financial constraints, and the money from the sale will not play a decisive role in allocating funds for new apartments for Mom `. No fever Buying a new luxury apartment - it quite expensive. Often buyers are not ready to remove from circulation large amounts. As a rule, they do not do: first, sell the old house, and then, slowly, looking for something new, and at the time rent seeking shelter at the same level (in Moscow or in the country), or go hiking. There is not a situation where the buyer in anticipation of the move is sitting on their suitcases. `If you talk about elite segment (from $ 1 million), people here do not work last money - notes Timur Saifutdinov, CEO` TERRA-property `. - The most common motive for the move is a desire to improve their living conditions. Houses morally outdated and gradually lose its investment attractiveness `. In addition, effective as of the new Housing Code of the RF determined that since the sale of an apartment property owner, his family will lose the right to use specified housing. This simplifies the mechanism for conducting transactions with the apartment, which at the time of sale the seller is registered and members of his family. `The buyer, knowing that in court he has every right to withdraw the register of all persons in the apartment, easy enough to agree to buy such an apartment. As a safety net can be deducted by the buyer a certain amount before taking the register of all persons in the apartment ', - says Nadezhda Ramazanova, head of the initial sale of city real estate company Soho Realty. People who have committed a new qualitative leap from the housing business class luxury properties, are well aware that with an increase in the value m increases and operating costs at home. They are ready and have the opportunity to meet the level of the selected object and its social environment. `As a rule, buyers of luxury real estate are the owners of several apartments, and if they go to sell one of them, it is likely due to the advent of more interesting offers. Such a sale should be viewed as shifting money from one project to another, the exchange of property rather than alternative buy ', - says Alexei Belousov, Commercial Director of Holding Capital Group ``. But a narrow circle of their ... But money, as we know, is never enough, so to buy an apartment is often involved in credit. In contrast to the secondary mass housing, where the customer is almost always improves their living conditions at his own expense, in the elite segment of the business really works notorious mortgage lending. According to Vyacheslav Timerbulatova, vice president of the Group companies 'Conti', the buyer is not ready to withdraw money from circulation, no problems can take a loan under the existing property and to acquire objects that interest him. Moreover, it is often given credit on a preferential basis, as people wishing to buy expensive real estate, tend to have a business and established links with banks. In addition, the key rule of the market is an elite performance of its obligations, written or oral. `The fact is that each party has a significant status, and the breach of oral or written commitments casts a shadow on its reputation. As they say, is not a small world, and the layer is thin: many members of the transaction known to have mutual friends, or their interests intersect in business ', - said Denis Popov, CEO `Contact - Luxury Real Estate'. By the way, for buyers of elite housing, having their own business, credit more profitable than investing their own funds. Interest on mortgage loans now range from 10 to 12% per annum. The growth of prices in the market of elite housing in recent years amounted to more than 30%. Given that the average income received by the owner in its business, is 2-3 times higher than the percentage of the loan, you might guess, where do funds for new housing. `The fact that the average yield of today's business is much higher than the interest rates of banks. Therefore, we advise our clients in the event it is necessary to take credit without having to purchase an alternative scheme ', - says Evgeny Ivanov, the managing director of the company `Manor`. In the short chain Perhaps the main difference between alternative transactions in the market of mass housing and real estate market is the length of the chain. If the non-elite sector in this process involves 5-6, and even more buyers and sellers, the chain in the elite segment consists of a maximum of 3 units. `The only exception is the segment of large apartments, located in departmental buildings, or the latest communal apartments, situated in the best mansions in Moscow. There are alternative transaction under the rules of customary real estate market, where instead of selling at the same time bought a few apartments, built up a deal with a large number of participants. Technology in this deal are similar to the mass housing market '- commented Denis Popov. Apartments in the market elitki 90% of cases are empty, in which no one registered. They are legally free, regardless of whether they live in someone or not. In fact for some of these properties - a unique financial tool, so apartment must always be legally free. Typically, in the homes of de luxe class does not live on the registration. It is hard to imagine that the inhabitants of `Golden Mile` sought to use the services of district clinics or to arrange child to school in the community. Although there are also the opposite case. For example, the child was in one of the best schools in the city, which is located in Vspolny lane, preferably be a resident of the area. To do this, parents buy a small apartment at Patriarch's Ponds, and prescribed a child there. Generally, in apartments in children is usually not prescribed that in case the sale did not have to pass the board of trustees. Irina Zharov Wright recalls one case in my practice, when in the flat area of 300 square meters had been prescribed both mother and child, and by writing the child, the realtors were required to provide an apartment larger area than the previous one, and obtain a permit to the Guardian Council. Wait reply Of course, the most interesting question - what sells and what to buy real estate market. Earlier this year, told the realtors, the market, a large number of apartments, located in historic buildings. This resettled communal with footage from 120 to 300 sq.m. After the acquisition by new owners in the 90's were made repairs varying degrees of quality, but the materials and technology of the time greatly inferior to modern. Now it is clear that the apartments are outdated and morally and physically: we must do something to repair them, or move to another. Now the apartments sold for $ 1,5-2 million, and in return, people acquire real estate in new homes, usually in the prestigious area of the center or outside the city, of course, a larger area. Typically, buyers are looking for an apartment in the 165-170 `squares' at an average price of $ 9 thousand per sqm In fact, the purchase price equals the cost of the sale of his apartment. `It is clear that these houses are under construction, but when they are built, their cost will increase significantly. The advantages of such a purchase: location in the center, near the location of the park, park, or aquatic areas. Prerequisite is the existence of several parking spaces in the underground parking, a modern system engineering, etc. That is, acquires a qualitatively new housing without any additional payment `, - said Denis Popov. Even so, older homes do not lose their status. On the contrary, a large number of transactions being committed to such apartments. His role is played by their unique architectural character, and quality of construction in pre-revolutionary era was at a sufficiently high level. Some houses are designed by famous architects. The only disadvantage of this inexorable property - the absence of underground parking, but not all buyers are stops. According to Denis Popov, it happens that a man who had lived in an old house, dreams of exchanging it for a new one, or vice versa - who lives in the modern wants to change it to the historic mansion. And, of course, some clients want to settle in any particular house. However, in this case can be a very long wait, when it vacate the apartment. And yet, many are waiting.