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Main » Articles » Real Estate » Investment Projects

Investments in capital to start generating income housing

Real ruble profitability of investments in metropolitan accommodation in March 2010 amounted to 0,42%. Last month, prices for real estate in Moscow just over inflation, according to Center for Macroeconomic Research (TSMEI) group of companies BDO in Russia.

In March, inflation continued to decelerate, reaching 0,6%. At the same time, annualized housing in the capital, shows one of the worst results: investment in this tool will become worthless at 19.42%.

Meanwhile, almost all mutual funds showed positive returns ruble. Thus, the best equity funds showed 33.81% real ruble revenues. Among bond funds is the best result was 11.54% in real ruble revenues. For the first time since early this year showed yield above inflation, investments denominated bank deposits (0,02%).

In March, banks continued to decline as interest rates on ruble deposits and on deposits in foreign currency. Thus, the weighted average interest rate on an annual deposits in rubles in the top 15 banks amounted to 7.41% per annum against 7.96% in February. However, the annual ruble deposits showed yield at 0.02% for March.

Savings in deposits in foreign currency as a result of the ruble continued to lose value: dollar holdings - on 2,27%, deposits in euros - on 3,02%. In annual terms (from April 2009) the most attractive among the bank deposits were deposits in rubles. They defended their savings from inflation and brought 4,08% real ruble revenues.

Dollar remains an outsider. Funds on a year ago at the annual deposits in U.S. currency depreciated by 15.06% in the European currency - on 12,63%. Last month, the purchasing power of cash savings in dollars fell to 2.54%, in euro - at 3.28%.

In March, lowering the cost of gold at 1.8% contributed to lower profitability impersonal metal accounts (CBOs): CBOs last month in gold depreciated by 2,4%. In annual terms, investing in the yellow metal also does not look attractive, their real ruble rate of return remains negative and amounts to -2.54%.

Global investors still prefer to invest in residential real estate and equities. This conclusion was made by experts Knight Frank and Citi Private Bank as a result of the Report of the wealth of 2010 ". In real estate the best growth will show the housing sector, we are sure more than half of affluent respondents research. Growth in the commercial segment is expected 30% of respondents.

Last year prices for elite housing decreased by 75% of the 56 regions. Nevertheless, in three cities growth has exceeded 40%. In Shanghai, property prices soared 52% in Beijing - 47% in Hong Kong - by 40,5%. Outsiders have rated Dubai and Dublin.

In these cities decline in property prices was 45% and 25% respectively. In Moscow residential real estate prices dropped by 6,3%, in St. Petersburg - on 8,9%. Moscow in 2009 dropped out of the five cities with the highest prices for residential real estate.

Category: Investment Projects | Added by: Дмитрий (17.04.2010) W
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