Who will receive assistance of the State Rules of state support are defined in the Resolution of the Government of Russia from 13.05.2006 N285. According to him in furnishing shelter relies on the following conditions: 1) age of each spouse does not exceed 30 years. Or if the family consists of a single parent under the age of 30 years, and one or more children; 2) family is recognized as requiring improvement of living conditions. These are: waiting set to record up to 1 March 2005; citizens who are recognized as needing under Art. 51 of the Housing Code (one of the main conditions - lack of housing, the minimum standard is set by local authorities); 3) the family has the means (wages, bank deposits, etc.) that are sufficient for self-pay an average cost of housing, taking into account subsidies. Note: to get state succeed only if your area is developed local housing programs on the basis of federal regulations (see above). In this regional context can be profitable and common rules. Thus, in some regions (eg Moscow) relies assistance to spouses older than 30 years - their combined ages may reach 70 years. So that clarifies the specific conditions of state support to your government: regional, republican government, etc., and in local government - district administration, council, etc. Without their money still will not do Young families without children, given no less than 35% of the average cost of housing (defined by regional authorities). After birth, adding another 5%. If the grant is drawn to the family already has one or more children, the state support of at least 40% of the average cost of housing. The size of housing, which provides for the purchase of a subsidy is defined as: for a family of two people (two young couples or single parent and one child) - 42 square. m total area of the dwelling; for a family of three or more people - on 18 square. m per person. Assistance is provided in non-cash - is transferred to a bank account. It can be used for housing mortgages, when building a house, to pay the missing part of the contribution to cumulative housing cooperative or to directly purchase housing without credit (the amount of state aid is added to your own savings, and you will fully pay for housing). Where to go Local government: council housing department, district administration, etc. The basic steps are necessary: marriage certificate (not required for single-parent families from single parent and child); document confirming the recognition of the family in need of better housing conditions; documents confirming the recognition of family with sufficient income or other funds to pay the average cost of housing in the portion exceeding the size of the grant; extract from the house of the book and a copy of personal financial accounts. IMPORTANT! Credits for the apartment for the newlyweds: what to choose? - Currently, mortgage lending for the young only gaining momentum, and banks are closely related to that niche. On the one hand, the problem of housing for this population is quite acute. On the other hand, banks can not afford to take risks, and therefore interest rates on "youth" loans are large enough. The future of young professionals is unpredictable and often unstable income, - says head of second home real estate agency "Kutuzov prospect Irina Cherniaiev. In addition, many companies pay their employees wages in envelopes, often it also becomes a stumbling block when processing the loan. The money a person can, and there, but if there is no official confirmation of this, the loan will not give. Borrower must confirm your documented bank official stable income. Although experts and market participants say that in the future mortgage rates will naturally decline, while young people can only rely on their own ambitions and support for parents. Among the many types of credit units are designed with the needs and opportunities for young. Mortgage loans for young families, in which the age of at least one of the spouses is not more than 30 years. If a family has a child, the initial contribution will be minimal - only 10%. Also, the birth of a child may be granted deferment in the repayment of debt of 5 years with an increase in the total loan period. Loans that are specifically designed for those who do not have sufficient savings, but there is promising work. The initial assessment in this case is 5% (but not less than 4000 dollars). And to pay a quarter of the cost of the flat base rate is usually lower than in subsequent periods. For those whose earnings are not less than 500 dollars, the loan is the most accessible. With this salary is realistic to gain an initial fee. Another argument in favor of the acquisition of housing loans, if there is no other option and is not expected: + Credit is given for the maximum number of years allowed in the market for various programs - from 10 to 25 years; + For a mortgage loan for young people, some banks take into account the income of the parents - for borrowers and lenders is an important point. If the parents are aged 45 - 50 years, they are 10 years old still can have a good work and help pay for housing daze.