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Main » Articles » Real Estate » Mortgage

Mortgage + Alternative =?

The exchange is alive, but such deals are possible only with social housing. Meanwhile, in most cases the buyer sells the old apartment to buy a new one, ie conducts an alternative transaction. Of course, more people want to improve their housing conditions. And a growing number of resorts to mortgage to get the missing amount. However, it is the alternative transaction has been perhaps the most difficult for the mortgage. But the deputies decided to simplify this procedure. First of all, what is the complexity of alternative transactions for mortgage lending. The problem is that there is a batch check the whole chain of transactions, which, incidentally, realtors called a great achievement. While this was not due to a faulty link collapsing the whole chain. And it is not itself was falling apart - had to cancel has already entered into the transaction, because those whose transactions have been registered, it is not going to change apartments. Now, if one link was weak, do not record the entire conversation. Registration Packet simplify passage of alternative transactions, but made it more difficult getting a mortgage chain participants. For mortgage buying a good clean. And here it turns out that the bank should issue a credit to the apartment, which, in fact, enter into a complicated exchange transactions (real money often have only one member of the chain). In the case of the collapse of the chain at the stage of registration of the bank remained without money and without collateral, while the uncertainty of our legal mechanisms meant big headaches and high risks. Naturally, the banks of this were not enthusiastic. There is, I `` Churikov were! And on the eve of New Year's State Duma decided to make adjustments to the Federal Law 'On state registration of rights to immovable property and transactions with it `. MPs pushed the amendment to the situation prevailing in the market in 2006, when the sellers were often `withdraw 'their documents already filed for the registration, arguing that during processing the transaction housing greatly increased in price (and in the spring, it actually keeps on going up by almost 10% per month). Naturally, many of these cases were in respect of mortgage deals, because their design is much longer. For the bank this situation is very painful - it can not depend on the whims of the seller. Historically, the seller receives the money only after the registration of flats on the new owner. That a certificate of registration is a standard reason for the bank to enable the seller to open the cell, where after the deal the two sides together lay the money. This mechanism would have seemed a savage any western people (where money is usually transferred to a special account of the notary or authorized lawyer), but it's how our market. How to prevent the seller's refusal to deal? The idea of MPs to prohibit the Federal Registration Service to stop the registration of purchase and sale of housing at the request of one party. That is, if the contract is signed by the parties, then the return journey will not be - we can only wait for the registration and if necessary, to demand the dissolution of the deal in court. This prohibition on refusal of registration will apply only if you buy an apartment used by the credit funds. "One of the most significant consequence of this situation, as explained by the head of the State Duma Committee on property Viktor Pleskachevsky - that the settlement of the transaction may be conducted on the date of the transaction, without waiting for their registration." However, while there are great doubts that customers delighted with the prospect of paying money, not having the certificate of registration of property rights. But for sellers, of course, under this arrangement the mortgage deals become more attractive. The alternative - a green light to this measure can unlock the deadlock when an alternative party to the transaction can not sell the apartment to the buyer resorts to a mortgage, because it needs to wait for registration to receive the money, it is impossible to implement the mechanism described registration packet. If the money is paid at closing, rather than at the end of registration, the problem is removed. As a result, can significantly increase the total number of transactions and the share of alternative transactions, since in this segment due to the mortgage will rise considerably effective demand. If a significant number of al'ternativshchikov can not finance the purchase of a new apartment (because of the rapid rise in prices, or difficulties with the implementation of mortgage schemes), it builds up a critical mass of unrealized alternatives, and the market itself are eating. This is explained by the fact that statistically most al'ternativshchikov wants not just to exchange for equivalent housing, and improve the living conditions - to disperse or buy an apartment bigger and better, that is, the more expensive. This requires additional financing that would support the alternative segment of the housing market. It is this task can execute mortgage. According to `Miel Real Estate ', until May 2006 80% of mortgage transactions undertaken by the alternative. By the end of the year because of the complexities described this figure dropped to 30 percent. Company experts predict that the new amendments to the Law on State Registration may increase this figure to 50-60 percent. This will allow banks to fully master the capacious segment of alternative transactions. However, customers do not particularly enjoy this account, because the development of the mortgage, as recent experience has shown, in high demand contributes to higher prices for housing.
Category: Mortgage | Added by: Дмитрий (22.03.2010)
Views: 276 | Rating: 0.0/0

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