Branches of the modern economy that require intensive capital investment, it is impossible to develop only on the own funds of enterprises. Housing, being a typical representative of the industry, including working at the expense of investment loan funds, reflects such indicators of society, as its overall development and economic status of its members. To minimize the risks associated with the repayment of long-term loans for construction, is designed to mortgages. After all, mortgage lending is raised property is collateral for the loan. Mortgage lending scheme in which up to full repayment of the debt owned property remains the property of the creditor, was used for centuries and has proven its reliability. Despite the difficulties of the moment, people still need housing, and mortgages is their real way - you need only select the most attractive and realistic proposal from a list of current mortgage programs. Determined to receive a mortgage, remember that the failure to pay fines threatens you, component, usually 0,5-1% of the amount of debt. If you see that the money will appear at a later time of the contribution, not a sin to resort to the help of relatives or acquaintances. If you change your financial situation threatens to become protracted for the worse, you should not buy time, but immediately contact the bank for deferred payments on the loan. In this case, you can avoid paying penalties in the form of fines. Another method of avoiding penalties in the absence of the recipient the amount required to make payment in full, the full repayment of interest on the loan (that relies bank) and the partial repayment of amounts borrowed itself. As you can see, modern financial instruments at the skillful use make it possible to reduce costs and do not accumulate debts, even in difficult days. If you are not able to independently find the way out - consult a mortgage broker.