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Main » Articles » Real Estate » Mortgage

Mortgage crisis waits.

Russia threatens a crisis in the mortgage lending market. Due to the fact that banks make it easier credit terms, loans are unreliable borrowers, and a growing number of defaults. This can lead to bankruptcy of banks, as happened in the United States. Such an assumption is made chairman of board of bank "Delta Credit Igor Kuzin. Market participants do not share his concerns: the volume of loans are growing, but banks tend to monitor the quality of borrowers.

Banks need to prepare for a crisis. According to the chairman of board of bank "Delta Credit Igor Kuzin, on Russia's mortgage market can be repeated American scenario.

In the U.S., the problems in the mortgage market began in winter 2007.

By the summer formed a crisis in the lending segment of needy citizens: due to the fact that the banks gave out loans to buy real estate for people with low incomes, has increased the number of defaults.

In connection with this bankruptcy biggest hedge funds, bank Bear Stearns. We recorded 50 bankruptcy of credit organizations.

According to Igor Kuzin, this is due to the fact that the majority of loans had the "first time buyers" - those who first took the credit for the purchase of housing. In addition, borrowers had to "below average credit history.

Igor Kuzin said that in pursuit of bank customers simplified credit conditions and gave the money without reference to income and loans with no down payment.

In addition, banks are divided borrowers on a reliable and less reliable and lent them to the different conditions - under 6% and 12% per year, respectively.

"I am afraid that this kind of accessibility lead to the fact that the borrowers will be people who do not have to have a credit" - going through Mr. Kuzin.

According to him, Russia can happen a mini-crisis of this kind, in particular because of the mortgage margin is lower than in consumer lending.

As mortgage rates banks provide a 0.5% profit on the bet, and in consumer credits - up to 40%. "Of course, consumer credit can digest sub-prime crisis, and for this mortgage crisis will be a system", - complains banker.

Igor Kuzin predicts that the crisis will push already declining quality of loans, but in terms of growth in house prices this can create a critical situation.

"It worries me very much", - says Mr. Kuzin.

Igor Kuzin said he opposed the loan with no down payment and his bank could agree only on condition of insurance.

According to the agency "Expert RA" in 2006, the volume of lending to individuals grew by 42.9% to $ 2 trillion 65 billion rubles.

Market participants do not share the concern of Igor Kuzin.

"There is no sense that the crisis in Russia will no return of consumer loans, as happened in other countries, - says the spokesperson of the Bank" Avangard "Igor Ilyukhin. - The volume of client base and loan portfolios are growing, but the banks are trying to monitor their quality. "

Deputy Chairman of the Board of Absolut Bank Oleg Skvortsov said he saw no objective prerequisites for the establishment of an emergency.

"The fall in prices on the real estate market is not observed, rather it is a market correction, demand for real estate does not fall, welfare increases, the volatility in the stock market also did not affect the solvency of the population", - says the banker.

"In addition, risky loans issued by banks, as a rule, those conditions that correspond to the perceived risk", - he added.

According to him, in Absolut Bank overdue mortgage is less than 1% of the portfolio. "Speaking about the crisis today is premature" - sure Oleg Skvortsov.

He does not exclude that in the future share of bad mortgage loans may increase due to active development of the mortgage. "But the margin is large enough. So for the next five years, I see no reason for the crisis, "concluded Mr. Skvortsov.

Category: Mortgage | Added by: Дмитрий (22.03.2010)
Views: 343 | Rating: 0.0/0

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