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Main » Articles » Real Estate » Mortgage

Rates on mortgages are melting

Interest rates on mortgages in rubles has already fallen to 13,9% per annum, according to data of the Central Bank on March 1. This housing loans in the currency of some banks even at 11,4%, but demand for them there. However, experts are in no hurry to withdraw from the mortgage crisis.

Reduced rates may be due to the reduction of bank interest rates for loans that they were able to refinance through AHML, they argue.

In February, the ruble rate mortgages fell back. "On loans issued since the beginning of the year, it amounted to 13,9% per annum, according to statistics released by the Central Bank. At the same time back in January issued a mortgage at a rate of 14,2% per annum. At the same loans issued since the beginning of the year, the rate of 1 March 2010 was 14% per annum.

If we talk about the average rate in 2009, which estimated the Central Bank, amounted to 14,6% per annum, then by March 1 it had fallen to 14% per annum. Thus, the rate has already exceeded the level in January 2007, when it was 14,2% per annum. Of course, a difference of 0,2% per annum is small, but important thing is that the downward trend in general is.

The trend to lower mortgage rates started in May 2009, when the rate on loans issued since the beginning of the month for the first time fell by 0,1%. With an annual average rate started to fall only in August last year.

However, experts are not convinced by such rate of decline in mortgage rates. Thus, according to deputy head of the analytical department of IC Sovlink "Olga Belenkaya, these rates of incidence rates can not be called too high. Yes, and it is due to the reduction of lending rates that banks can refinance through AHML (Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending). Indeed, according to the agency, the volume of loans refinanced by the standards of AHML, growing all the time - by 1 January amounted to 135.93 billion rubles, while in May was 116.04 billion rubles. "A significant decline in mortgage rates would have to decrease by 2-4%", - says Bilenka.

While it is impossible to say that the situation has improved so much that the banks en masse will significantly reduce the rates on mortgages, but to achieve rates of 11%, according to the expert, it is possible with the help of government action. For example, in 2010 in support of mortgage programs at the primary market, the government promised to give the banks 250 billion rubles.

In this case, according to Belenky, currency mortgage is in stagnation, despite the fact that the rates on it below.

"Thus, according to Central Bank rate on loans for housing in the currency issued since the beginning of the month, began declining in April, that is, one month earlier than on ruble loans." If the November currency mortgages could take 13,5%, in February had a 11,4%. However, the Russians such rates are not convincing. "The demand for currency mortgages not. Our citizens in the course of the devaluation as a result of the crisis to 30% estimated for yourself what risks it carries with it ", - explains white.

And the banks themselves also often refuse to currency mortgages. So, no plans to renew consumer lending in the currency in Raffayzenbanke, Russian Standard, Citibank, Bank of "Home Loan". "Thus, according to statistics from the Central Bank, the total volume of housing loans (962 million 260 thousand) issued to banks by March 1 in rubles, overdue is 2.06% (19 million 852 thousand)" In this case if we take the exchange rate mortgages to one same date, then the total volume of loans (208 million 653 thousand) are overdue 6,56% (12 million 701 thousand).

According to executive vice-president Sergei RosEvroBank Gordeyko whether the decline rate, and what it will be - time will tell. "The crisis has shown that funding for our domestic market by foreign loans to help us as long as abroad all is well. The crisis struck, we have ceased to lend money to, and our mortgage to a standstill. The conclusion suggests itself - must be the creation of the Russian domestic market long-term funding, the formation of the internal market of securitization of financial and other assets, it will give strong impetus to the development of mortgage ", - he said.

In this banker considers possible rate reduction under the mortgage in rubles up to 6%, though not this year. "This happens at a time when the cost of funding for banks will be equal to 3-4%. That is, with such rate of return would investors to buy mortgage-backed securities and placed deposits. At the same time financing and credit must be close together. Credit is given for 20 years and the bank receives funding in 20 years ", - said Sergei Gordeyko.

According to the same Oleg Sokolov, director of the department of retail lending Binbank, the rate of 6% is feasible in the future 2-3 years, provided support (subsidization of rates) borrowers regional authorities.

Category: Mortgage | Added by: Дмитрий (01.04.2010) W
Views: 335 | Rating: 0.0/0

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