Statistics show that only a few are capable of purchasing in the castle. The units carry out such an expensive purchase for their own future residence, and the basic rate of transactions of purchase of locks have to organize it in the future hotel, restaurant, casino. Traditionally, the most expensive are the castles in England and France, whose value can vary from 6 to 40 million euros. Cheaper options can be found in Germany. Great importance on the price of providing the location of the object. More expensive options are far from the city, estesstvenno, if we are not talking, for example, Nice or Cannes, where proximity to the aforementioned Human punkaktam significantly change the price in a big way. Magazine published a rating of Rockefeller's most expensive locks, put up for sale. The rating, in addition to the name of the castle, price and location, explained in detail the internal and external structure of the object.