Yesterday's number one of the major daily national newspapers Le Figaro (Le Figaro), founded in 1826 and overlooking the way, the theme of the play by Beaumarchais "Where there is freedom of criticism, there is no praise can not be pleasant," appeared with the headline on the front page "The French castles are bought up by foreigners. In France c her fairy story about six and a half thousand castles and mansions are under state protection. But one thing to provide protection and to protect historic buildings and a completely different - really have a huge castle. It's really expensive, especially during the financial crisis. Therefore, most locks remain in private hands. The French owners of unique structures have received them, usually inherited, and they too often lack the funds for the restoration and maintenance of the estate. Approximately 20% of locks in the French Republic already belong today rich foreigners - Russians, Chinese, Americans and Brazilians. "The acquisition of French castles did not pass unnoticed, it is often accompanied by scandals," - wrote "Le Figaro". Thus, according to the newspaper, "one of the Russian rich slammed the gates of his castle in the face of the architect, who came to check whether the works on the restoration of the estate established by the French standards. "The new owners do not consider money, but indulging their own whims, at risk of harm French historical heritage", - the newspaper. Since last statement could be disproved. In France at this point there are clear legal rules, the severity of which - unlike some other countries are not mitigated by not having their performance.