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Commercial lease of uninhabited premises

To date, the average price per square meter per year, the premises of Class A is 500-600 cu VAT excluded, and class "B" 300-400 cu without VAT. Of course, that the increase in office rental rates in Moscow will continue in the future, but today this process is severely slowed down, and it is clearly evident when we compare the current situation with the two previous years. According to realtors, formed today average prices for rental correspond to actual market requirements, and we can hardly expect them to jump further growth, even before reaching the pre-crisis level. A small increase in prices will still continue for one or two years, but in general, if the general economic and political situation will not change for the worse, it will not exceed 2-3% per year. And this is a sign of the beginning of stabilization.

The situation on the market really showed it. But ... In the middle of summer this year, Moscow authorities have introduced a new method of calculating rents for commercial real estate assets in municipal ownership. This could not affect the level of rental rates in the area of the city (in some cases, forecast growth of up to 400% of the initial level). No wonder the real estate market participants feared the inevitable jump in prices for the rental of commercial real estate in general.

To find out how justified these concerns, the editors of the DM applied to several major metropolitan real estate agencies. In general, the responses were identical. Establishing new rules of the game with a community's property, told us in the departments of commercial real estate agencies, "Babylon", "Miel" and "Best-Real Estate," is unlikely to significantly affect the increase in rental rates for commercial real estate as a whole. The fact that the present commercial lease rates determined by the ratio of real demand and supply, and therefore hardly any of the final tenants will pay more than it cost actually. Moreover, all this new technique aims precisely to ensure that profits, which were previously received by the intermediary that smack of properties for sublease and playing in a substantial difference in prices, getting the city directly.

In general, it is expected that tenants are city property that lease rental space for sublease, January 1, have lost income and will either have to somehow compensate for the loss (but not by increasing rates of sublease - above market they do not work), or return the leased premises the city. Thus, the commercial rental market has become even more relevant - with the new year there shall be "reduced" niche, which still accounted for premises under municipal ownership.

Cover whether the current proposal a possible increase in demand? Speaking of offices, class "B", namely they are of greatest interest to small businesses, the very stabilization costs in their rent is due today, is taking the growth of supply of such premises. The current policy of the Moscow government aims to support the construction and renovation of office buildings is a class "B", as the most promising. For example, recently was put into operation class office center in the "total area of 6100 sq. meters, located on 2 nd Street Zvenigorod. He was almost fully leased before it was completed. This is due to different consumer qualities of the proposed offices at relatively affordable prices (350-400 USD per year per square. Meter, including utility charges and VAT). Such centers continue to be erected and rebuilt in other parts of the capital.

There is no doubt that for many small businesses, even these rates for rental are sometimes very heavy. But recall that in contrast to the high offices of Class "A", traditionally located in the prestigious and expensive "city districts (Center, West, South-West), available and fully fit for office Class" B "can be found in the South, South-East, East, North-West District of Moscow. Typically, such offices are located on the ground floors of residential buildings in the premises of the plant, or NII, in the former shops or office buildings. The lower price level for a similar office in working condition is about 200 cu per square. meter, which is quite accessible, even for very small businesses. So for those wishing to rent a less prestigious, but less expensive office space in today's commercial real estate market of the capital there is a huge number of options.

Category: Non-residential | Added by: Дмитрий (21.03.2010)
Views: 386 | Rating: 0.0/0

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