Before the construction of each company conducts radiological study of the land. Based on this study decides on the suitability of land for construction. Mandatory certification are all building materials, and upon delivery of the house of the State Commission constructed object is investigated for radio. These measures can significantly reduce the risk that the house will be erected in a disadvantaged for life and health place. In general, in Moscow with the radiation situation under control, says CTO `KV Engineering` Alexander Gordon. According to him, the problem of radiation in the capital at the moment coped. In the capital there is no global radioactive zones, only small areas. However, in this seemingly optimistic scenario involves pitfalls. The fact that acquiring land, the developer does not know about the ecological status of sites. Prefecture, giving out land, also has no information on contaminated sites. Only at the stage of pre-training, conducting (at your expense), hydrogeological investigations, the developer learns that he has acquired. At this stage, all responsibility rests with the developer. If the site will be environmentally illiquid, that is the problem of the builder. Thus, the radioactive sources are often found during construction. For example, one company has led the construction of homes for the CPSU Central Committee on Garibaldi street near the metro station Cheryomushki. There, the whole neighborhood was built in 70-80 years, and this house was built later. Additional studies were conducted, and, as the area was a zone of the old landfill on one small area of land under the lawn was detected elevated levels of radiation. The infection was of local character. The company led a special service, which revealed the ground and removed the infected part of the land. Earlier this place was the village Zizino, hilly terrain. While Moscow has expanded, a place in the building had to align. Equal not soil, and debris, household waste. It was brought to a container with radioactive ampoules. It was discovered only after 30 years. `Environmental control must be conducted before the sale of land, - the director of production company 'Benefit Engineering` Alexander Isaev. - But then the analysis of SES would be held by the budget, but it is much less than now environmentalists are with the builders'. There is no single body that would be owned by all the information on Moscow soil. Information is fragmented, and only nobody knows. `As long as property prices rise, everyone is happy, but once the market stabilizes, an urgent need to change the situation ', - warns Isaev. In Moscow, environmental control standards thoroughly spelled out. The supervisory authority is the SES. Monitoring is carried out in several stages: the pre-project stage, during the project period, during construction and before commissioning the object. Checked area, imported and exported soils, water, materials and air. `Prevent construction organization of` dirty `last section simply no one, - complains Isaev. - Former landfill sites - it `terra incognita '. Nobody knows that there were being taken and where. After the elimination of waste dumps, as far as I know, an environmental analysis is not conducted `. Therefore, if the developer knows that buying the site, which was once a dump, it makes sense to spend money and conduct an independent, albeit superficial environmental analysis. It will cost 1-2 thousand dollars In some metropolitan homes there are clear sources of radiation. As explained portal specialists Greenpeace, the high content of radon found in the basement and first floors of buildings. Radon - a gas. He rises from the ground, falls into the basement, first floor, and begins to fade above. Therefore, second, third and subsequent floors are less dangerous to stay. In addition to radiation, there is not permissible to date the problem with the Stalinist buildings. According to the deputy head of the company Ecostandard Nicholas Krivozertseva, `in the basement of the Stalinist buildings of some type installed transformer substations, electromagnetic radiation which, according to Western research, 10-fold increase standards and increase the risk of cancer research at the residents homes. This is especially true of the first and second floors `.