... A party to the sub may be a young family, including part-time young family, consisting of 1 young parent and 1 or more children, corresponding to the following conditions:
a) The age of each spouse or 1 parent in single-parent family on the day of adoption of the lists of applicants for a grant in the planning year does not exceed 30 years;
b) the family must be recognized as in need of better housing conditions prior to March 1, 2005, as well as young families recognized by local authorities at their place of permanent residence in need of improvement in living conditions since March 1, 2005 on the same grounds as are established Article 51 of the Housing Code of Russia for the recognition of citizens in need of accommodation provided by social contracts of employment;
c) the existence of the family income or other funds sufficient to pay the estimated (average) cost of housing in the portion exceeding the amount of the grant.
The procedure and conditions for a young family with sufficient income or other funds to pay for the estimated (average) cost of housing in the portion exceeding the amount of the subsidy shall be determined by a public authority the subject of Russia.
The right to improve their living conditions with the use of subsidies or other forms of state support from the federal budget provided a young family just once.
How much to expect
Subsidy granted in the amount not less than:
35 percent of the estimated (average) value of the property determined in accordance with these rules - for young families without children;
40 percent of the estimated (average) value of the property determined in accordance with these Regulations, - for young families with 1 or more children.
The size of the total area of the dwelling, which is determined by taking into account the size of the subsidy is:
family number 2 person (young couple or 1 young parent and child) - 42 square. m
family number 3 or more persons, including, in addition to the newly married, with 1 or more children (or family, consisting of 1 young parents and 2 or more children) - at 18 square. m for 1 person.
Additional payment
The young family - participant sub at birth (adoption), 1 child is provided with additional subsidy from the budget of the RF subject and (or) the local budget in the amount not less than 5 percent of the estimated (average) value of the property, calculated in accordance with these Regulations, to cover of the costs associated with the acquisition of residential premises (the creation of an individual housing construction), in the manner determined by, respectively the executive authorities of Russia and (or) the local government.
What documents are needed
To participate in the sub young family serves in the local authority at the place of permanent residence the following documents:
a) an application form in accordance with Annex № 2 in 2 copies (one copy returned to the applicant indicating the date of the statements and documents attached thereto);
b) documents certifying the identity of each family member;
c) Marriage certificate (part-family does not apply);
d) a document confirming the recognition of young families in need of better housing conditions;
d) documents confirming the recognition of the young family has sufficient income or other funds to pay for the estimated (average) cost of housing in the portion exceeding the amount of the grant;
e) an extract from the house of the book and a copy of personal financial accounts.
Local authorities will organize the work of verification of information contained in the documents, and within 10 days from the date of submission of these documents make a decision on recognition or the refusal to recognize a young member of the family routine. On the decision a young family is notified in writing the local government.
Not money, but evidence
... The right of young families to get grants to certify notably the papers - evidence of which is not a security.
To obtain a certificate, a young family - the applicant for a grant to bodies of local self-government in their place of permanent residence application for extradition.
Local authorities will organize the work of verification contained in these documents of information.
Upon receipt of evidence of a young family is informed about the procedure and conditions for obtaining and using grants provided under this certificate.
The subsidy is given to the owner of the certificate of non-cash form by crediting the relevant funds in his bank account in a bank selected for servicing the funds provided as subsidies to young families - participants of the subprogramme (the Bank).
Owner of the certificate within 2 months from the date of its issuance shall deliver the certificate to the bank.
Evidence submitted to the bank after a 2-month period from the date of its issuance, the bank is not accepted. After this period, the certificate holder has the right to appeal in the manner provided by paragraph 38 (see above) of these Regulations, the local authority which issued the certificate, a statement on the replacement certificate.
Bank checks whether the data specified in the certificate, the data contained in the document certifying the identity of the certificate owner, as well as timely submission of the certificate to the bank.
In the case of inconsistencies of data specified in the certificate, the data contained in the documents, the bank refuses to conclude a contract of bank account and return the certificate to its owner, while in other cases, concludes a contract with the owner of the certificate of bank account and opened in his name a bank account to account funds provided as grants.
Construction, mortgage, Cooperative
The manager account has the right to use the grant for the purchase of any natural or legal persons of one (or several) of residential premises (residential) or the creation of individual housing construction object.
Procured accommodation (object that is created for individual housing construction) should be on the territory of the RF subject, the executive authority of which included a young family - a participant in the sub list of applicants for the grants.
Young families - members of the subprogramme can attract in order to acquire the dwelling (the creation of individual housing construction object) own funds, and funds residential mortgage loans or loans from any organizations and (or) physical persons.
To pay for the purchased dwelling of account is a bank bank account agreement, a contract of sale of residential premises, a certificate of state registration of ownership of the acquired dwelling and documents confirming the availability of sufficient funds to pay for the purchased dwelling in part, exceeding the amount of the subsidy .
In the sales contract indicates details of the certificate (serial number, issue date, the agency that issued the certificate) and a bank account (bank accounts), with which the operation will be carried out on payment of the dwelling acquired pursuant to this contract, and also determine the order of payment amount in excess of the amount of the grant.
The grant can be used by the manager of the account to pay an initial fee as payment for the purchased under contract for the sale of residential premises or the cost of creating individual housing construction object in obtaining credit or loan (mortgage loan or loan) for the acquisition of the dwelling or the creation of an individual object housing.
The grant can be used by an account manager who is a member of the housing co-operative savings and for which the cooperative purchased the dwelling, as the last payment by the payment of share contribution in full, after which the dwelling becomes the property of a member of the cooperative. Managing the account specified must submit to the Bank:
a) a certificate of the amount contributed by share contribution for living quarters and the remaining amount of share contribution required for the acquisition of ownership of dwelling, transmitted by the cooperative in its use;
b) a copy of the charter of the cooperative;
c) an extract from the register of members of the cooperative, confirming its membership in the cooperative;
g) a copy of the document confirming the ownership of the cooperative at the dwelling, which will be transferred to a young family - participant in the program;
d) a copy of the decision on the transfer of residential premises for use by members of the cooperative.