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Do not bother your head!

I must say that most real estate companies to customers not only offer to insure the transaction, but discouraged from doing so, if you specify a direct question. This was repeatedly verified. The reason is simple - a commission. For a complete package of services, including legal review, realtors take 4-6 per cent. And for the support of the transaction is enough to pay 500 dollars. At the last version of the legal due diligence will be borne by the insurance company, and it will be included in the cost of the policy, which is only about 1.5% at 3 years. A collection of documents required for registration of the transaction, in any case have to deal with the counterparty seller.

Calculate the difference. Suppose you buy an apartment for $ 300 thousand. The first option - 5% realtor and do not buy insurance. 5% translates into $ 15 thousand, and you do not have any guarantees. Self-respecting Realtors honestly admit that a full guarantee can be given, but from the literate fraud in general is difficult to avoid. The second option - you find an apartment (in the presence of the Internet and free time is not a problem), the same realtor to pay $ 500 for support of the transaction, including the organization of accounts, and buy insurance for 1.5% of the price of the apartment. Total costs amount to $ 4.5 thousand. With this you not only save $ 10.5 thousand, but will receive a firm guarantee that if your apartment take away from the court, you'll get their money from the insurance company, and she shall continue are dealt with by the seller (trust me, she is a better than you).

Search useless

What do the realtors? No, they certainly will not convince the client that something heard or read about title insurance, that it does not exist in nature. Instead, they will leave this matter to your discretion. And at this stage, all usually ends. Find in a sea of insurance companies that you need very difficult. If you search the 'yellow pages' keyword `` title insurance, you will not find anything. If you ring up all insurance companies in a row, then the chances are almost no - you're just drowning in a sea of incompetent response by operators who do not even understand what they mean.

Finally, if you type in a Web search engine, such as Yandex and Rambler, same keywords, it will not help. Home page offers a number of press articles and links to websites of insurance companies, which ... does not deal with insurance. Search is complicated by the fact that you can find a rather large list of companies that are licensed for insurance against financial risks. Believe me, ring up the majority of these companies is useless - you never know who some license.

Nothing strange in these difficulties there are no search: title insurance, we developed very poorly (as opposed, for example from the U.S., where the insured 95% of transactions). To insure cars, property or flat enough to rely on the statistical likelihood of certain risks. In order to legally insure risks in the real estate market, require high competence in these challenging questions, which we have characterized agents, not insurers. This is a question of profitability for most of the insurance company: if it is to insure everything, it crashes. She always has the right to refuse questionable insurance transaction.

The benefits of insurance

An example of a sophisticated attempt to put on a false trail client who wants to insure the transaction can be found at the site of one of the largest real estate agencies in Moscow. This is a treatise on the benefits of insurance. Use a simple method: describes how to choose the right insurance company. This is reminiscent of pre-existing section on the site of another large company, which was called `How to buy an apartment without a realtor`. It describes these difficulties and dangers which should have been completely discouraged to do without a realtor. In this case, given the fact that the insurers involved in title insurance and so hard to find, adding a complex, even for the expert selection criteria leads to the fact that the man was confused and give up its delusions.

He has kindly offered to estimate the time of the company in the market, its ability to pay (!), `Place 'in all kinds of ratings, financial stability, openness to the company (providing annual accounts, auditor's report, information about the owners of the company), the size of the share capital, etc. In conclusion, real estate agency reassures sad client, saying that it has already done for him all this hard work and chosen what he wants. But the joy soon. If you contact the agent with a request to reveal a terrible secret about the best company in Moscow in title insurance, you'll be told the company that is engaged in property insurance and property (against the risk of fire, the Gulf, etc.). Here you will find that, apparently, something misunderstood, and so be it - it's better to pay a standard commission realtor and get it over with.

One, two, and obchelsya

In conclusion remains to say that it is your right to decide, do you need title insurance or not. But if you decide that you need, then do not let me fool head. No `pay 'you should not be marked. In Moscow there are only ... two companies that offer full-service title insurance on the secondary market and financial risk insurance on the primary real estate market - it is the companies 'Standard Allowance' and `Zenith`. Incidentally, before people involved in both companies this insurance, worked as a team. The leader of this segment is 'Standard-Reserve', policies which can offer several other insurance companies.

In addition, there is such a player as the insurance group `SOGAZ`, but it is not engaged in the secondary market, and the primary insures only the risks of objects, which finances Gazprombank. When buying an apartment in St. Petersburg, you can hire the services of the company `` Spassky Gate. About two years ago has been informed that another major insurance company wants to bring a similar product on the Moscow market, but this intention was never to realize (now that the company offers title insurance only with respect to transactions with a mortgage). In other words, if you have a normal transaction in the secondary market, you want to insure, then you just continues to compare the conditions of the companies 'Standard Allowance' and 'Zenith', which, however, differ slightly.

Category: Property | Added by: Дмитрий (21.03.2010)
Views: 265 | Rating: 0.0/0

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