In the current rise in prices, many homebuyers are still trying to find a place where the cleaner. Most prefer to buy an apartment in a relatively prosperous Moscow, rather than live under the torch of the Moscow refinery in Kapotnya. However, it is not necessary to assess environmentally friendly housing only by the criterion of concentration in the industry. In European capitals, the environmental situation is not much better than. In most cities all harmful derive the enterprise outside the city limits and set stricter requirements for Road Transport. `In Europe, very expensive parking - particularly in London hour parking is five pounds, that can not afford not all, - said deputy general director of the company` New Town 'Natalia Vetlugina. - And in Moscow park a car can be expensive, so the city gasps - primarily because of the number of cars `. In Central Park, New York, foxes and squirrels are found in Russia's capital is the memories of childhood. From the Moscow River is also pretty bad situation, whereas in the London Thames usual salmon, whales swim recently. True, died ... But only because of the fact that he could not turn around, fatally hurt. 'In Russia's capital since the privatization of their leaders are so focused on cost optimization, that of discharge in the Moscow River and our other rivers, we hear almost daily: the water in it does not freeze even at 10-15 degrees below zero - is outraged Vetlugina . - Either the laws of physics do not work, or that flows into them - not water ... ` West of the capital, certainly better off. Historically, that all industrial zones were built in the east of Moscow, at that influence, and the wind rose, and the direction of flow of the Moskva River. `Borisovskie ponds - a place where the demolished mud from all over the capital, and here the highest percentage of people with asthma`, - complains the same Vetlugina. However, west of the capital and guarantees nothing. `If you live windows on Mozhaiskoye highway, the environment, too, would not be the best ', - says realtor. His car left a trail Recently, the situation of enterprises improved, what effect the high cost of capital of the earth. `Industry quietly removed from the capital, but this process will take several decades - argues Vetlugina. - Built like a long time, and the situation can not be changed overnight '. However, the main problem in the city - this pattern. According to deputy head of the country real estate management company `Miel Real Estate 'Vladimir Yakhontova, the share of road transport accounts for about 80% of all pollution in Moscow, about 12-15% - industrial enterprises and the rest - for household waste. `The ecological situation in the modern metropolis are most dependent on car`, - agrees with him director of marketing real estate agent `002` Olga Pobedinskaya. The closer your home to the sources of emissions, the less favorable situation there. `As a result, you can go to Moscow, bought a house somewhere in Khimki, near Leningrad highway, and get a bunch of` `lung disease - she continues. - Is it possible and in the center or the south-east of Moscow to buy an apartment, which is in the wind shadow of the flow of polluted air `. There is another way to breathe in her apartment on the clean air - to buy an apartment one floor higher. According to the head of the country real estate GK `Vash financial guardian` Roman Ryzhkov, the heavy components - oxides of lead, salt, carbon dioxide - air currents almost do not rise above 15 meters, which corresponds to 5.6 floor. `And on the floor at 10-12, their concentration falls dozens of times' - he said. However, other experts in doubt refer to this assertion. According Pobedinsky in the region of Volgograd prospectus positive effect will be observed no less than 40-th floor. `Of course, the higher - the purer, but in urban difference in principle between 6 and 12 floors of one and the same is not at home '- she said. Natalia Vetlugina adds that if the house stands in a valley, then on the purity of the atmosphere and hope it is not necessary. Radiation background in the metropolitan region, according to Pobedinsky, in general, fit into the norm. `There are not very extensive areas of excess, - she continues. - They were linked mainly with the accumulation of transport, industrial enterprises and specialized academic institutions `. With it agrees and Vetlugina: `With radiation everything is fine: historically very tight control '. According to her, a few years ago, medical radioisotopes were dumped in an ordinary landfill - ultimately removed from office a number of officials, including deputy head of the Health Committee of Moscow. Lost Afford to live permanently in the country may not all. `In the Moscow area, all relevant health and environmental standards, there is no '- insists Ryzhkov, adding that the most favorable ecological situation in the enclaves, located away from highways to the west, south-west and north-west of Moscow. This Krylatskoe, Bitza, Silver Bor. According to Olga Pobedinsky, when buying a home buyer should pay attention to the outside of the window frame. `If there is clearly visible layer of soot and fumes - this indicates that the air in the apartment will certainly not with the` ozone ', - she explains. As for other types of pollution, it is necessary to watch the large-scale environmental maps, which clearly shows the degree of soil contamination and background radiation. It is worth paying attention to the presence of large water pipes and mains. `The fact is that during the flow of water from these connections is the rise of groundwater, - explains Pobedinskaya. - Because of the increased humidity in the ground, up to 1 meter layer of air, which, in turn, adversely affects the respiratory system of young children `. In addition to studying the environmental card is porassprashivat local residents about how they live here, breathe. Usually people are willing to talk about it. Roman Ryzhkov advised to resort to the aid of professional ecologists. Expertise will cost no more than $ 1 thousand. `With the current cost of housing for these expenses should go ', - says Ryzhkov.