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Realtors two capitals. Some impressions of the Congress

From 17 to 21 June in Moscow, worked IX National Congress on real estate, traditionally held by the Russian Guild of Realtors (RGR). Congress, as is typical of most such events, was rave-entertainment in nature and included a demonstration of ambition, performance before an audience stupefied by the heat, rewarding the best fun on the water, outings, meetings and private conversations in the corridors. At the same time around 1000 participants over three days to familiarize themselves with the content of the 150 reports in 23 sections.

Accredited by Congress browser "Country Review", equipped with the breastplate of the identification mark "Press", which is a surprise considering the numerous friends and managers of real estate companies wary St. Petersburg colleagues - journalists, was forced to make shuttle flights between several rooms, where the parallel working different sections, hoping to hear at least some interesting reports. Unfortunately, much time was wasted, because often the reports with the promising name is a repetition of conventional wisdom, new only to the authors, or exemplary PR campaign. The content of many reports did not correspond to the name, and vice versa. The main reason for the time lost in vain - the inability to be aware of the abstract (as it was in the previous eight congresses), which does no credit to the organizers. And therefore, but regret is useless to spent hours, was no doubt - do not miss any thing useful? ..

Let us examine some of the profile of the journal thoughts, ideas and information that could be gleaned from the heard.

The most vivid reaction listeners called scientific dry, emotionally matured, do not contain advertising outrageous reports from the Fund "Institute of Urban Economics at the round table" dedicated to the national project "Affordable and comfortable housing". General conclusions: draft shotgun; legal schemes transform the appointment of land to be developed, all that is done now, contrary to the laws, sources of funding do not meet the interests of developers, municipalities, bureaucracy and the public; hysterical developers about their concerns exaggerated ... For the positive development of the situation with "affordable" housing is an urgent need to make changes to a dozen federal laws, Housing and Civil Codes. The debate was stormy, not everyone admitted to the microphone. Characteristics of the national project, the sounded in their last report, "Evolution of the problem," depicting the history of the issue since the king of peas, you just can not print in our respectable publication. The browser has received a massive emotional charge.

But the section "Technology in the market town real estate" represented a haven where peaceful splashing speakers and their audience, by the middle of the meeting entangled in the figures, numbers, percentages and a formalized representation of information. In the dry residue: the primary market for cottage construction in Moscow and the surrounding area is saturated, an increase in the prices of houses (28% per annum) are clearly lagging behind the growth of prices for flats (percentage point, even scary) actual rent of houses, signs of the origin of the secondary market, the reputation of the prospective buyer in a cottage settlement viewed from the perspective of citizens (masters, mates), the first staked the place and do not wish to violate the substantive professional social homogeneity of the settlement. Piterskie speakers, like the whole segment of the market, the pale look on backdrop razdobrevshih on the effective demand of Muscovites. Plus a lot of average, which in each case have very little.

An interesting idea promoted foreign reporters at the International sections: the "second (third ...) the house. The doctrine of "second home" simple and clear to all more or less wealthy citizens of Russia: a country house, cottage, mansion, etc. - the term has no meaning. The panel completed this list: it would be good to have a "second home" at some disused railway halt stable Europe - in case of nuclear war or the upcoming revolutionary upheavals in Russia, when the oppressed lower classes to overthrow the hated exploiters. Representatives of the Czech Republic (a big impression on the audience made the white hat rapporteur) and friendly to us and NATO of Latvia and Lithuania, apparently by mutual consent, tried to persuade those present to drop everything and immediately go to their stable countries to buy the remaining properties, while others have not done so. Prices, compared with Moscow, and even Peter, but there were quite humane, as well as interest on loans. This is one of the main pricing factors now - the proximity of the airfield, which can take the airplanes airlines, discounters (15-20 euros there and back). That's how it is done in Europe.

According to the speaker of Ukraine urgently needs to buy now owned by that brotherly-sisterly country, the land, because after the onset of political stability, there will be an investment boom and the earth, for example, in the Carpathians will inevitably rise in price, because there instead of all enlightened Austria yank skiers. And in the Crimea has everything belongs to Muscovites. Reports were received graciously, kindly. The impression that neighboring countries can not compete with Monaco, Switzerland and Montenegro.

Interesting results of elections in the governing structure of RGR and the results of the National Competition Professional Recognition, 2006. The overall picture: Petrograders catch up and outpace the Muscovites. Now the president RGR - our people, the president of the corporation "Adveks" Alexander Romanenko, St. Petersburg chairs the committee on certification and mortgages, and our Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Public Relations and Mass Media. Of the eight nominations, four of the competition got Petrograd: the best professional association of RGR - Association of Realtors, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, we have the best management company, an internet resource and media coverage of the real estate market.

Category: Property | Added by: Дмитрий (21.03.2010)
Views: 260 | Rating: 0.0/0

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