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Shakespeare question the new Development Code

RF Government in 2003 authorized the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade to prepare proposals for amendments and additions to the Town Planning Code of Russia. Such changes and additions were really needed. For example, there is a need, "through clear procedural rules to initiate the process of preparation and application of legal acts and documents in an urban area." The new standard is designed to reduce the painfully long chain of conciliation courts in the construction of urban facilities. This detail is reflected in the draft Code. However, in general, 12 April 2004, the commission for consideration of the general council of "United Russia" in the State Duma, was presented a draft code, dramatically changes the direction and content of one of the major legislation of Russia.
This is a very responsible action for the country which has great significance. Foundation Institute for Urban Economics, devised by the bill, the justification for the urgent adoption of his proposed alternative was not, and could not be submitted. Suffice it to say that, until the State Duma, this important bill is not passed on to the professional organizations - the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences, Russian Union of Architects, the subjects of the RF, the public of the country. According to the president, the Association for Information Management and territorial development, urban regulation, MJ Vilner, a radical change in the basic objectives, principles and methods of legal regulation of urban development in Russia a few years after the adoption of the existing Town Planning Code could become a serious political mistake. And the consequences of urban mistakes always cost society dearly, they are always very negative impact on the living conditions of citizens. Here the principle of "do no harm" is not less important than in medicine.
The proposed Foundation Institute for Urban Economics revised Development Code Russia is not aimed at the improvement of accumulated years of technology, and to refuse them, because obviously designed without taking into account peculiarities of the country at this stage of its development, characteristics of its regions, the actual capacity of municipalities, state maintenance professional staff of urban planners. Under the cover name of the Code, the experts, the Association for Information Management and territorial development, urban regulation, simply ignoring the meaning of urban planning profession are invited to the destruction of historically developed in Russia since the days of Peter I and periodically refined traditions of urban planning as a sovereign matter, which includes elements of land but not reducible only to them. "Design Development Code" from scratch "can be useful only in the agrarian Third World country. In Russia, where town planning culture as a social and professional phenomenon, has a long history and adapts a modern post-industrial experience, this approach is unacceptable. "
According to professionals, the new edition of the Town Planning Code, virtually eliminates the state of the organization of urban regulation, keeping the regulatory function of the territory of the branch offices, without mechanisms to ensure the consistency of their actions. Adoption of the proposed project will inevitably lead to a denial of training management solutions, vulnerability of municipalities from the arbitrariness of monopolies in their territory. And in this connection - to the corruption of local authorities, to the shaft of emergencies, the consequences of which will have to pay to the state. In addition, new wording, approved by the zero reading of the State Duma, will lead to Russia losing the most important way of maintaining its integrity and real control over the use of its territory.
May 25-26, the Department of Construction and Housing Ministry of Industry and Energy Minister convened a meeting on discussion of the draft Development Code. In his speech ch. architects of Federation subjects and municipalities noted that the developers of the project under the direction of EK Trutnev prepared legally competent standards of land use in urban areas, but no town planning document intended to create a set of enabling environment for the life of every citizen. The President RAASN AP Kudryavtsev, President of the Union of Architects of Russia YP Gnedovskiy, chairman of the main architects of the RF subjects and municipalities AV Kuzmin and others have carefully studied the bill and gave a concise, but a reasoned assessment of the text of the official conclusion: the draft Development Code does not comply with the RF Constitution (see st.71, 72, 73, 76), does not create a legal framework for addressing urban design, unreasonably narrows the obligations and responsibilities of the state, to the base dismantle the current system of town-planning legislation, methodological, regulatory, technical and organizational framework of urban development in Russia.
Before submitting the bill to a committee in the Duma should publish it and obtain the opinion of the Russian professional public organizations and at least some of the RF subjects and municipalities to organize his discussion of the citizens whose interests will necessarily be affected. Therefore, in the framework of the State Duma Committee on Industry, Construction and High Technologies was set up expert group of specialists to discuss and make proposals for amendments to the draft Development Code.
Category: Property | Added by: Дмитрий (21.03.2010)
Views: 276 | Rating: 0.0/0

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