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Russian Hill - 2006

The last 5 years, prices of real estate market ranged from 15 to 40%, so the analysts and experts unanimously predicted the 2006 price increase by 2-3% per month. Predictions have not come true, even with a 10-percent accuracy. Prices soared rapidly: in the end for the current year in the primary market for 120-150% (according to "Miel" and respectively) and 81,4-87,9% - in the secondary. And stagnation, autumn has arrived, gave a small correction in a few percent, making it possible to talk about the phenomenal results of this year.

Primary Housing
January 2006 saw the queues at the offices of all the companies selling new construction. Moreover, agents could not sit on vacation, even a couple of days. And in February 2006, it became clear that the growth in the results of January simply sensational - 6-8%. And this is the quietest month, when realtors traditionally a rest, and it became clear that the spring will be hot. In February, many construction companies started to "hold" the apartment. The market formed an even greater deficit. Prices for new buildings were adjusted every day, and some near Moscow offers correction reached 80-100% for the week. Lack of supply has meant that buyers were seized and that there is practically no longer looking at the price. Short February also saw the 8-percent price rise in March prices have grown by 10%, and a similar increase occurred in April. And in May, began to fall in the rate of growth - 8% in June - 7%, and further 6%, 5% and 4% respectively. But the summer of excitement, similar to the Moscow spring, was observed in St. Petersburg, where developers are rewriting the price of apartments every day.

On "the primary" during 2006, the biggest demand for housing is marked mainly in remote areas, and it is clear that this was a demand for housing, economy class. Against this background, each vendor to build its policy sales, with the most common way to become a la carte volumes of proposals, every day when buyers are offered a small number of objects. In addition, developers have less to offer apartments at the initial stage of construction. If in August the volume of proposals for new construction sites comprised 307 sites, in November - 329 objects. Most houses have cast-in-frame construction. Their share in total supply is 73.9%, while the proportion of panel housing - 17,6%.

Results of the year: according to, a year ago the price of housing was $ 2,232 per square. m, now this figure - $ 4193 per square. Just over a significant price indicates the analyst "Miel", which takes into account the luxury housing: a weighted average price of new buildings amounted to $ 4585 to December, and the minimum cost of a one-room new buildings was $ 175 thousand from the developers' proposal for housing in the CAO has already exceeded $ 11 396 per square. m.

According to experts, now the Moscow market new buildings is in a mode that can be described as "stable stabilization. In free sale there are more objects, which contributes to the gradual supply shortfall and stabilize the price increase. Simultaneously, a decline rush, the indicators are returned to the level characteristic of a stable market.

In winter and spring period of 2006 square meters gained in price by $ 200-250 a month. In essence, the dynamics and primary and secondary market was synchronous only in the secondary market "locomotive" advocated the increased cost of the cheapest housing: a panel "Khrushchev and the nine-panel. During the first 3 months of 2006, most risen panel "Khrushchev" - to 29,4%, as well as "panel with a small kitchen" - their price has increased by 27,3%. And revenge for price increases have traditionally been cheaper District: SEAD - by 32,2% and HLW - by 25,6%. Summer prices rose more slowly - by about $ 100-150 for "square" in a month. According to "Miel", price $ 4226 was reached by the end of summer, and according to, which "cut off" the most expensive housing - only to December. But in any case, all the statistics show that prices fall nearly stood up. By year end, one-room apartment could be purchased at least $ 160 thousand (according to the Interfax). In this database can easily find an apartment and a $ 130 thousand, which indicates that the correction of the cheapest housing has begun, and its pace are not 1%. This more expensive apartments are still more expensive that in the general statistics gives some fluctuations near zero. Amazing results can be noted, if you look at the statistics of apartments by number of rooms. The most expensive are two-bedroom apartments, although the "square" in one-room traditionally cost more.

If conducted Statistics plucked alternative transactions, this year, no doubt, would provide a record figure. In the market, new forms of extortion by the real-estate agents: in particular, demanded a bribe from the buyers for the fact that the price of the apartment had not been increased by several tens of thousands a day before the deal. Great difficulty in finding their apartments tested and mortgage buyers, however, by the end of the year the situation has changed dramatically.
In March, the total number of housing not more than 18 354 objects (at 48,8% lower than March last year), and in April there has been growth in the number of proposals. In November, the proposal has increased by 42,2% - 31 700 objects. This increased flow of new proposals that were not previously appearing on the secondary market.

Now the market froze. Buyers and investors are waiting to see what will happen next, and in no hurry to invest in real estate, as well as sell. All hope for a small increase in prices in the next, in 2007. "Along with the stop price has declined significantly the number of transactions", - says Natalya Konev, director of corporate service brokerage house "Golden Gate". Realtors do not want to lower the price of urban real estate since the year had become accustomed to the growth of its value. And justify the price disadvantage of the proposal. Buyers are waiting for lower prices, and rightly so. The thing is that now the construction is beginning to actively engage in and the state of the program "Affordable Housing", which is almost all year round stalled, and large holdings, who decided to invest in ambitious projects involving the construction of entire cities.

However, as one of the most famous market analysts Gennady Sternik, former head of the analytical center of Miel Real Estate ", for any amount of writing new buildings in Moscow, the demand for another 15-20 years will not be satisfied. This applies to affordable housing, and as for the higher price segment, then Natalia Koneva advised not to rely on the reduction and price stability in the elite real estate. In contrast to the lower categories of housing, "elitka" further increases in the price, despite market fluctuations.
The Matrix predictions of analysts and market participants "owner" will publish in the near future.

Category: Real Estate News | Added by: Дмитрий (21.03.2010)
Views: 366 | Rating: 0.0/0

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