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Market rent: whether to increase prices?

Active prices with the sales market has spread to the rental market. But this market is slightly differently, and therefore development here would be different - more suited to the classic canons of the economy.

Now on the market is dynamic growth rates for rental housing: six months of 2006 (from May to October) in Moscow, prices for different segments increased from 10 to 25%. One-economy-class housing has risen in price by $ 113, two-bedroom apartment - for $ 71, and two-bedroom apartments grew in price by $ 102, said Maria Zhukova, deputy director of leasing company "MIEL-Real Estate. Marina Dubkova, expert department of rental companies MGSN ", adds that the sharp rise in prices for apartments of economy class began in mid-August.
Thus, for comparison, if the June - July, it was possible to remove the one-room apartment for $ 600, then in August the price had risen to $ 700, and is currently a one-room flat and hard to find for $ 750, tell the agents realtor companies. Thus, if judged according to professional mediators, the bottom rod prices for the cheapest one housing unit increased by 25% just two months. All other types of housing increased by about 10-15% for the autumn. For example, only in November, according to the company "Miel" cost of hiring one-room apartments of economy class has increased over the period by 2.5%, two-room - on 3,2%, and rent three bedroom apartments, which enjoy considerably less demand fell by 1,4%. However, this statistic includes the flat business-class, on the price dynamics are better to talk separately from the flat economy class.
Causes rise in price of apartments in general, is clear: first, the owners pulled the price of sale, and secondly, the dollar against the ruble falls, and thirdly, the utility bills are growing significantly. Recently, the site "owner" of a discussion about the level of profitability of a mini-business for the surrender of Moscow apartments for rent - and crystallized two points of view. The first - the price of rent is too low and will inevitably grow, and the second - that the market is balanced, just not very financially literate owners of the flats did not really know how to count the profitability of this business, which even at the current rate is quite acceptable 8-10%. To understand who is right and whether to further increase the price of rent, can only be sorted out with the structure of supply and demand in this market.

According to the realtor companies, the main demand is for a very low-cost housing with a minimum set of facilities - typically a one-bedroom apartment somewhere on the outskirts, at a price of $ 500. This is understandable: the average income of a Muscovite statistics is about $ 1000, and it is clear that pay for housing more than half their income few people can. $ 500 - a real plank of mass demand, which shows the official statistics. In fact, taking into account the "gray" income (as they now occupy a significantly smaller share of the economy than it did three years ago) people can pay a little more, a maximum of $ 600-650. Can approach the assessment of effective demand on the other hand - the mortgage. To buy the same one-room apartment in Moscow, you can take credit for 30 years and pay every month for $ 1000. But to take this credit, you must receive at least $ 2000 per month and have the opportunity to take an income statement, which severely limits the demand. But it is obvious that if the rent until that turn into bars, then people will still prefer to buy an apartment in the credit and not pay for her rent. So $ 1000 for a series of one-bedroom - inflated plank on which landlords can not expect in the near future. In addition to the sales market has already started falling prices is such an apartment, and, according to analysts, by the middle of next year, most low-cost housing will become cheaper by 10-15%, which again make it available for purchase.
According to surveys, rental rate of $ 700 - Psychological bracket, after which the newcomers are beginning to think seriously about a move to Moscow, or about co-operation with other tenants, or to return home. Thus, market processes are taking place, which seriously reduces the demand. As shown by a survey of real estate agents, rent the cheapest housing in the mostly in demand among visitors. But it now from the capital to actively pressed. Actions against illegal workers, the quota for involvement of the regional labor force actually lead to an increase in the size of bribes, which take a non-registration of the policemen in the subway. This reduces the attractiveness of Moscow as the region where you can earn good money. Incidentally, the majority of Ukrainians and Belarusians, who went to Moscow to work 5-10 years ago, "shifts", now either settled here on a more permanent conditions, or found jobs in their homeland's economy which was to earn enough money to live.
Few other cut demand are Muscovites (usually young), renting an apartment. They are more demanding and the quality of housing, and therefore are willing to pay him more. In addition to the open market Muscovites go less frequently - usually rent apartments with friends and relatives. But they are thinking about leaving it to parents in a separate housing, which costs more than half the salary.
The demand for more expensive housing provided, including companies renting an apartment for visiting researchers and managers from other cities. Now, however, due to the intense regional development companies, these same experts are going back to the regions. Every day there are reports of that opening up branches of the largest operators of various sectors of the market in Krasnodar, Khanty-Mansiysk, and Nizhny Novgorod, etc. - all this is really delaying the demand from the market-rental business, as professionals who agree to go to the regions As a rule, not Muscovites. Moreover, the market rental housing expensive (over $ 1500) their conditions dictate the tenant rather than landlord: here the demand is much lower offer. And the laws of economics, this entails reduction of prices.
In the economy sector, while demand exceeds supply, but agents say that there are apartments, which hang in the database for weeks, while the summer almost every sentence took 2-3 days. Causes too clear: a decrease in demand, both in relation to seasonality, and with the rising prices to a bracket, which is already too high.

On the other hand, landlords now seriously worried about the profitability of this business. It is these fears are justified - the question of a separate discussion. But it is clear that this concern could lead to the sale of investment apartments. Analysis of sentence structure in the rental market and the profitability of this type of business - in the near future.

Category: Rent | Added by: Дмитрий (18.03.2010)
Views: 417 | Rating: 0.0/0

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