As the "Business", Department of Land Resources of the city has developed a new procedure for calculating the rent, taking into account not only the kind of enterprise, but also the cost of the occupied territory. According to "Business", in the near future a relevant decree will be signed and Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov.
New improved method of setting rents on the land was promulgated by the Department of Land Resources in Moscow in late January this year, at a meeting of the Moscow city government. And although the Mayor has approved the proposal itself to change the system for calculating the lease payments for land, he criticized the idea of a privileges for individual tenants. As a result, officials were assigned to mid-February to correct document with regard to preferences for this or that kind of business (this "Business", wrote on January 26).
As the new edition of the regulations to the newly concluded contracts of land lease, the amount of rent rates will be calculated on several criteria: the surface area of land, its land value and type of enterprise, located in a particular territory (now the main parameter in the calculation is activity tenant .- "Business"). Thus, the rental rate will be equal to a fixed percentage of the cadastral value of land.
Thus, the highest rate (percentage) of the cadastral value of 5% is provided for the gaming industry. At the same time, the rate of 1,5% will install for trade, public catering, service, service stations and industrial facilities. However, members of the Moscow City Duma, the President clarified the Moscow Confederation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Yelena Panina, still listen to the opinion of business support for the most needy sectors of industry. Therefore, much lower rates (within 0,3% -0,75%), may be introduced for manufacturers of machine tools, automobiles, electric motors, textiles, etc.
Head of the Department of Land Resources Moscow Viktor Damurchiev had previously stated that the new method will lead to a significant increase in rental rates for land. According to him, for example, the Central Department Store (CUS) with the new conditions of the calculation of rent will pay 885 rubles. per square meter of land per year (it is 1,3 times more than now). "It is not surprising that they would increase the rental rates for land, because rising property prices and rental of premises", - states the head of the portal "indicators of real estate market" Oleg Repchenko. He did not rule out that the new rules can become one of the justifications for the company with an increase in the price of the final cost of the product, although the costs to the company for the payment of land rent is not so great.
In turn, the Moscow City Duma Deputy Ivan Novitsky fears that innovation will create unequal conditions for the enterprises of the same type of activity, since some of them have long-term leases of land, and others may soon have to pay the higher price. "However, these calculations the department of land resources is not, therefore, to assess the loss of any enterprise is not yet possible", - adds Novitsky.