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Multi-format towns - what is it?

How many, you never know?

`Multi-format villages only formed, - says Roman Ryzhkov, head of the country real estate GK Vash financial trustee. - Their apparent delay in the appearance due to the fact that the suburban real estate market to date has not yet saturated, there is significant public demand for a wealthy individual houses cost from $ 1 million `. Builders, of course, advantageous to construct such facilities: housing for the rich brings significantly more revenue and the sale, and subsequent operation.

Villages, where the same territory adjoin different types of housing, designed for a fundamentally different category of buyers - the middle and upper middle class. In fact, it is an alternative to urban housing. For $ 250-300 thousand today you can buy a two-bedroom apartment in South Butovo (in fact, too, not just Moscow), or townhouse (and there is more space, and an individual garage in the house, and his own - albeit small - land). If you consider the option of an apartment outside the city, the cost will be definitely lower than in the capital. In this case you will live in a fundamentally better environmental conditions.

`Multi-format settlements are being built today in all directions - notes Tatjana Shelyagina, CFO of investment and construction holding RODEX GROUP. - However, due to the fact that the townhouses are considered as an alternative to a city apartment and residents every day go to work in Moscow, the remoteness of these villages from the Moscow Ring Road, as a rule, does not exceed twenty miles'. However, `and` all directions - this is not entirely correct: Country Construction is essentially concentrated in the prestigious Western `` arc (from Kaluga to the Yaroslavl highway) and the other - east - half the developing noticeably slower. Examples of multi-format villages of our consultants recalled at least ten: `Klenovo` (Volokolamskoye highway), `The Cherry Orchard '(Northern Tushino),` Julia `(Pyatnickoe highway),` The Lake House' (Gorky highway), `Pavedniki` and ` Dubrava `(Ostashkovskoye highway),` Light `and` height `at Kaluga. Even sverhprestizhnaya Rublyovka not escaped the new developments - there is built Laikova village ``.

`Unit` a `zero`

The reasons that compel developers to choose exactly the format of such settlement, were found a few. The most obvious - the need to isolate the more expensive houses from some unfavorable factors. `Y border settlement can be something quite untoward, - says Natalya Vetlugina, deputy director of the company` new town '. - There can be seen at home urban, farm, power transmission lines. Enclose them can only houses storeys taller than the houses. And, obviously, housing will have to sell them much cheaper. Of course, by themselves, these buildings will also spoil the view, but still it is better than what already exists around. Moreover, modern technologies allow to make a very nice facades `.

It also happens that the area already has the structure, and the developer would prefer them not to demolish. For example, in the Kaluga road, there are two of the sanatorium, whose history goes from the distant Soviet past - `Light` and `height`. Four-storeyed building - neat, with light brick. After befitting the occasion of the renovation, they were sold as apartments. A number of cottages were built.

`Builders such settlements are very beneficial, because, in addition to saving the earth, are significantly reduced spending on infrastructure and utilities, - notes Tatjana Shelyagina. - In this land can be zoned in such a way that a more interesting area (adjacent to the forest, stream, with elevation, etc.) being built on cottages, a less interesting - townhouses. And yourself townhouses are located on the perimeter of the village as part of the fence, which also leads to lower costs'.

Also, Multi-format projects have significantly better return. `It is clear that the` one hundred housing units `to $ 300-400 thousand will be sold faster than thirty - for $ 1-1,5 million, - says Roman Ryzhkov. - This is especially true of those developers that build on borrowed funds. And that such settlements could compete with urban housing and individual country houses, they offered a somewhat lower price. The average is $ 1,5-2 thousand per square meter (the land at townhouse here will be like as a free 'bonus'). A large number of `units' housing also allows to optimize the management of village and saturate its infrastructure.

... In general, for such settlements, the rule: most quickly sold the cheapest apartments and townhouses, and cottages with developers and agents have to work hard. However, sometimes this axiom fails. Natalia Vetlugina recalled a village north of Moscow. Cottages in it went, as they say, flying - in the first place, because of the very successful place, next to the reservoir. Near planned three-storey house, but when the developer's greed turned them into five-story, forgetting to lift, with the implementation of any serious problems.

Alone with all

From the perspective of developers, municipalities Multi-format, of course, comfortable. `They doubtless advantage is the rational use of land, increase in the yield on the constructed area sq.m. of land`, - convinced Vladlen Voloshin, Deputy Director of the company `Veles Capital Development`.

If we look from the future residents, the readily identifiable and minuses. According to experts, the most significant of them, when in this village live together people of different incomes, which leads to conflict if not, then at least to friction. `We had a client who bought a townhouse in Elyah` `- old academic village, which were then new buildings, - tells Natalia Vetlugina. - Having lived for a while, he turned to us again, saying that he wanted to sell the property. The man was psychologically uncomfortable huddle on their four hundred square m, when standing next to normal large cottages with full-length segments. The man was eventually bought a cottage normal `.

However, this kind of reasoning, like everything connected with psychology, are very individual. One will suffer from the consciousness that lives poorer neighbor, the other warms the soul consideration that he had paid for your property considerably less. Because, as practice shows, the difference in price between the townhouses and cottages in the same village reaches 2-3 times. A flat - they are cheaper by 60-70 per cent of the townhouses.

Multi-format p, by definition, not a place less populated. In townhouse and apartment living a lot of people, life in the territory will boil, and even one who lives in a cottage, will see over the fence many neighbors ... good or bad - again, very subjective. There are people for whom the ideal of suburban life - solitude and silence. But realtors can tell many stories about how people, buying a very expensive cottage in the closed chamber and the village was horrified to realize that their child all day maetsya from idleness. No peer, and the nearest club or theater - 10 kilometers ... In formatsinto settlement of such problems just will not.

Category: Residential Real Estate | Added by: Дмитрий (19.03.2010)
Views: 323 | Rating: 0.0/0

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