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Main » Articles » Real Estate » Summer-houses

Holiday problems questions and answers

Komsomolskaya Pravda has collected seven most common problems of summer residents and asked the head of the department of real estate, construction and land rights Konnov and Sozanovsky Vitali PRAVDYUKA and a lawyer for Land Affairs, President of the Company "Aurum and Eustace" Artem SEREDA tell us how to fight them.


Many Ukrainian Truckers united by a common problem. Several years ago, many dacha "forcibly" re-registered as service cooperatives, which threatens the loss of cottagers sites. Naturally, the hacienda owners themselves know it not at once.

Q: What should I do to return the dacha associations of their status?

Artem Sereda: - All matters relating to the reorganization of summer community, decided at a general meeting of members of the cooperative. The charter of the garden association clearly spelled out what the quorum should be observed that the meeting was considered legitimate and could take appropriate action on the reorganization.

If a quorum is not met, the decision to re-register illegally. In this case, and if the reorganization of the garden association conducted without the knowledge of the participant, the latter has the right to apply to the court with a claim about:

* Declared illegal the decision on reorganization;

* Recognition of unlawful assembly at which the question of the reorganization.

HARMFUL Neighbors

Good Neighbors - this is happiness, and bad - real disaster! Imagine the situation: you come to the country and found that your site has become much less - a neighbor without any twinge of conscience voluntarily "moved" the fence.

Q: What if the neighbor on giving "chop off" a piece of your site and put the fence?

Artem Sereda: - All questions the delineation of land settled in the courts. The statement of claim to make geodetic measurements or to take the State Committee on land resources the copy of the Uniform state register of land (relative vykopirovku land). The court in the presence of a performer would draw the line plots of land and erected a fence.

"Selected" LAKE

Even last summer, your children can safely walk to the lake to swim and sunbathe, and now approaches the reservoir securely covered by a high fence. On inquiry, the most meticulous vacationers learn that the lake for 49 years set aside for rent and therefore from now on is privately owned.

Q: What actions need to take to the lake again became a place of public use?

Artem Sereda: - All matters of this nature are solved in court. In the above case, you can go to court with a claim:

* Recognition of lease for 49 years, illegal;

* The elimination of restrictions in the use of the reservoir.


Generational change but culture rest of our countrymen not change. Broken glass, plastic bags, rusted cans, used cans mutilate roadsides, forests, beaches near rivers and lakes. In the spring, many vacationers overlook the natural voluntary work, trying to bring in the divine form at least nearby areas. However, on May Day celebrations all comes back to square one.

A separate conversation, when the landfill arrange "their" - the nearest neighbors on the summer cottage.

Question: How to deal with careless vacationers and how to prevent that your neighbor is spending the summer in the woods turns into a construction dump?

Artem Sereda: - If you can detain violators on the spot, should call the police and make adminprotokol.

As a neighbor, then, if the pressure on the conscience does not work, write a statement in the environmental prosecutor's office, which has the authority to check the above-mentioned cases, or give instructions to test them to other bodies. Offender at least be brought to administrative responsibility. If his actions have caused considerable damage and are subject to a criminal offense, he may be prosecuted.


Finally! You have finally become a respected "landowner" - to address the village council you have been given land. Now would be a good idea to privatize it.

Q: What should I do to privatize the sector?

Vitaly Pravdyuk: - Be sure to consult with this decision in land use planning organization, which develops projects of land plots. In the local land management are the coordinates of organizations that deal with this issue. In addition, their contacts can be found in newspapers and classified ads - you need to find a text about this effect: "We carry out project development right of way. The licensed land surveying organizations.

Be sure to check the license - it must be issued is to develop projects of land plots. Land management organization will draft and agree on it in all instances. Then the project right of way must be approved by the decision of village council session. After this, please contact the department of land resources for obtaining public act of ownership of the land.


If you have carried out unauthorized construction or built in violation of applicable law, you are big problems: the law be demolished squatter.

Q: How legalize squatter?

Artem Sereda: - For the legalization of unauthorized structures must first pay the fine. The following is to collect the documents at the house and get the agreement of the district management architecture, Sanitary and Epidemiological, the village council, the state fire department, water utility, gas stations (if gas). The approved design of the house should be submitted to the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI) for registration.


The collapse of the Soviet Union made the members of one family residents of different states. For domestic and social problems of these families are added bureaucracy and red tape.

Q: Can I leave a legacy of giving to children if they are, for example, citizens of Russia?

Vitaly Pravdyuk: - If you have any legal documents on the ground, the child has the right to inheritance. Deprived of his right to property can not in any way, but there are restrictions imposed by the Land Code of Ukraine concerning the ownership of certain categories of land to foreigners: they must not be agricultural land.

That is, if, for example, cottage area has been allocated under horticulture and gardening is part of the agricultural land, then leave him a legacy of foreign children can be used only if the end use will be changed - say, for the maintenance of the building. "

In this case, no problem. If the land remains agricultural land, according to Section 4 of Article 81 of the Land Code, a foreign citizen, who took this land as a heritage, within a year must get rid of it, that is to sell.

Category: Summer-houses | Added by: Дмитрий (22.04.2010) W
Views: 370 | Rating: 0.0/0

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