Invest money you can not only real, but in the virtual real estate. And even in stories about her. Promotion of Internet portals, actively investing in this sector and the development of more and more new sites - only a confirmation of stories about King Midas that everything he touched, paid in gold. Real estate exactly the same story ...
The donor may donate only that property which belongs to his property rights. If a citizen wants to give a flat, which is on the social contract of employment, it will not work. To begin to privatize residential premises (unless, of course, have the right to privatize), and only then it will be possible to use the apartment, including to give her.
Market realtor services began to emerge in our country in the mid-90's. Since then it has certainly undergone changes, often for the better. But, unfortunately, monthly realtors spend up to 1000 transactions. At least half of them, and then carried out mostly by the so-called "black" realtors. Most of the false transactions formulaic and standard, they are carried out by means of deception or abuse of their citizens' trust. On the common ways and cases, our correspondent says.
Most real estate transactions involves the compulsory payment of taxes by the parties. But not all citizens know when to pay, how much and for what. Meanwhile, tax evasion - wittingly or unwittingly - may be assessed fines and sometimes puts the deal in jeopardy
The main difference between a gift from other real estate transactions - for free. However, the lack of financial schemes does not make it a simple exercise. Ignorance of the requirements of the law could lead to legal conflicts, and even the recognition of the transaction null and void.
Always nice to receive gifts, and give too. And if the gift is flowers, vase, book or other small things, then, of course, between the donor and the donee is no need to draw up a contract. But when it comes to the apartment or other real property, is not so simple. It requires a flat donation registration in a specific order, otherwise it may be invalidated. Let's start with the contract ...
In primitive times, when people have not yet occurred to build, and "square meters" in the caves they provided very nature, the requirements for housing were extremely simple. Then, comfortable and convenient it was any shelter that protects against bad weather and dangerous predators.
Russia has ceased to be a Cinderella in a strange ball of international financial markets. In 2006 she won first place in the world in output of companies in initial public offering (IPO), and there is every reason to believe that this year it will not yield the palm in this area. However, until recently, the construction business, traditionally has the reputation of the "shadow", so I stayed away from this global trend. But the process has begun ...