In I quarter 2010 average price of residential property in the country increased by 20% relative to the same period last year. In IV quarter 2009 growth was 13.5%.
According to the Land Office of Great Britain, in March, the average value of residential real estate in the country decreased by 0,6% relative to February. This figure decreased for the first time in 11 months.
President Valdis Zatlers has approved amendments to the Immigration Act, under which real estate purchasers and investors in the Latvian economy will be granted a residence permit for up to five years.
Chinese companies and foundations are increasingly considering investing in property Australia and Vietnam as an alternative to the domestic market of China. This is due to the fact that the republic's authorities are tightening approach to developers and investors.
Sales in the secondary housing market in the U.S. rose in March at 6.8% yoy and amounted to 5.35 million units, reported the National Association of Realtors.
Demand for housing in China will face a decrease in state bank mortgage lending and further depreciation of the shares of construction companies in the country can be a good opportunity to buy these securities, the head of Templeton Asset Management Mark Mobius (Mark Mobius).
The Chinese authorities have ordered that the developers do not take contributions for the sale of unfinished housing without special permission. Regulators forbade them to establish "abnormally high prices", which should help to combat the growing "bubble" in the real estate market of China, reports Bloomberg.