But the proportion of our compatriots among homeowners in Spain is not so great, as is commonly believed - not more than 1%. Nevertheless, a significant portion of potential Russian buyers wishing to purchase property in that country: for this there are many objective reasons.
The more you talk about that house prices in Ukraine have long exceeded the European, so obsessive is the idea of having at least a small apartment or a house abroad.
In the Czech Republic to buy a property, you must be a legal entity, and, how to create a company is quite simple. The alien receives annual business visa, and after - twice a residence permit valid for 2 years. After this time, you can already apply for permanent residence. Thus, after five years, the owner becomes a full member of the Schengen space.
The main reason for the rising popularity of Turkey among foreign property buyers, experts called the rise of the Turkish economy and subsequent activation of the construction market. If you are still in this country were built mainly hotel construction, in recent years significantly increased the number of companies specializing in the construction of residential complexes, including villas and apartments. The indisputable advantage of the Turkish real estate is its relative cheapness. A decent three-bedroom villa costs from 180-225 euros.
If you have ever visited the Baltic States, then remember it forever restrained, but unique, full of dignity flavor. Estonia - a country far removed from the urban rhythms of huge cities and unbridled luxury of world-renowned resorts, sparkle of bright colors and noise mnogoyazykoy motley crowd. Since you already destined to become imbued with the spirit of true in Estonia, you always fall in love with this country, coming back here again and again, either in his memoirs, either - that's much more pleasant - as a tourist. And perhaps the master of your own cottage on the shores of the Baltic Sea or apartments in the heart of the medieval city. Moreover, experts say unequivocally Estonia fantastically attractive for investment by the state.
Under existing legislation at the moment, the Russians can buy nadvizhimost only a legal person - resident, ie to purchase real estate in Croatia, you must first register in the Croatian company (legal entity). Real estate is made on a legal entity registered in accordance with local laws, the territory of the RC. Preliminary agreement and permission of the Ministry in this case are not needed.
Talking about a routine trip for him, he suddenly became emotional when describing his return flight to Moscow. "I think the whole plane only, and discussed: villa or apartment? .. what cost? .. as far it was from the sea? ... " In general, this flight of Aeroflot's my friend felt as though hopelessly behind the times. In his heart settled concern. When emotions subsided, was made sober calculation. As a result, familiar to adjust its current life script, and turned into one of the real estate agencies, to start with her lawyer registered a company in Spain. Now on stage - buying an apartment.
With the adoption of the Turkish law on mortgage real estate market in this season there was excited. And experts predict a rise in demand and an increase in housing prices. About what is happening today and what can be expected by the end of the year in the Turkish market, says the head of the department of foreign real estate corporation "Best-estate", candidate of historical sciences Julia Titova.
Landlady (50 sq.m), in which I stayed in Dubrovnik (Croatia), for it offered 230 thousand euros. In the past year. In this kind of prices have declined slightly, as housing for the Croats in Dalmatia has long become an unattainable luxury, and the Westerners do not see the point in paying so much for the property away from the usual places of habitation, where houses and apartments can be found cheaper.
As experts note, the returns from investments in luxury housing in Moscow with a view to its eventual sale or rental from the beginning of the year has declined substantially and is now almost comparable to the rate of inflation in the country. That is why Russia, investors turned their eyes to European countries. Kingdom, Spain and France have long been favorites of the most wealthy Russian investors. But today, most Western European states frighten away potential buyers of significant spending and promise low returns on investment. At the same time, countries in Eastern and Central Europe, especially those that formerly belonged to the "socialist camp", attracted not only the Russian language, but also a higher rate of growth in housing prices. RealEstate.ru continues to study the investment potential of the former "socialist camp", representing the real estate market in Eastern Europe. Currently, the Czech Republic is experiencing an economic boom. And Slovakia and Poland have kept a fairly low price of real estate that allows enterprising customers to make purchases now in the hope that it will soon cost per square meter in these countries would be appreciated.