This situation requires the emergence of new schemes that allow to overcome such difficulties. According to experts, is increasingly relevant over time, may acquire the Lombard lending scheme. If you change the housing of the main principle - the design of a pledge not purchased, and the old, selling apartments. If there is a surcharge for buying new, you can use borrowed funds to buy new home safely, make repairs, move and sell the old apartment, pay off the bank. The stumbling block for such technologies is only one thing - selling the mortgaged flats. Nevertheless, the market learns to overcome bureaucratic barriers. And the banks, going to such schemes, it becomes more and more.
Nothing strange there is no - just look at the Tax Code, Section 5 Art. 208 which states that the money received from the sale of real estate are income, taxable (for operating the current rate of 13%). Let us consider an example. There is a one-bedroom apartment, which we possess one year and you buy somewhere for 2,8 million rubles. If the documents are written the true figures, the size of the tax base will be 1.8 million (2.8 million minus 1 million deduction). Taxes from this amount will have to pay 13%, ie 234 thousand rubles. Note that with increasing value of the flat tax will increase, and not only in absolute terms but in percentage terms.
On the eve of the regular meeting of the Government of Moscow, dedicated to urban housing programs. Perhaps its main result was that, according to the head of the department of housing policy and housing capital, Peter Saprykin, the majority of benefit recipients with the experience, as well as vneocheredniki living in Moscow for over 10 years, will get new apartments by the end of this year. Accordingly, were identified and categories of beneficiaries, which primarily provide housing.
Certainly, New Year's time - the most premium time. Everyone tries to make expensive gifts to people. Is no exception, and companies working in the real estate market.
Townhouse (literally, town house) came to Russia's real estate market for quite some time, although for a long time townhouses were more gimmick provided a single example. More or less marked development of this segment of the real estate market was only in recent years. But to this day townhouses continue to be one of the most controversial and conflicting formats housing.
Many of our fellow citizens, as owners of apartments in apartment buildings, without even knowing it, became owners of land or at any time they can become. The reason - changes in legislation relating to the land on which the apartment buildings. Lawyer M2 tells what rights local area enjoyed by members of housing cooperatives. In fact, the question of who owns the land plot under the tenement house, is not an idle question. The answer to it depends on many things: whether the owner of the apartment to pay land tax, and the owner of the non-residential premises in the house - the rent for the land, who can decide on the arrangement of local area (for example, the establishment of playgrounds, etc.).
So, insurance apartments. Many of the following questions arise: What is included in insurance? How much insurance? What is the process of insurance? What will be the amount received after that - something happens to insure your apartment?