Owner `tune` and in determining the cost of proposals, often guided only by their ambition, rather than logic and knowledge of the market. In short, if speculative demand for real estate ruling ball the seller is in a much more favorable terms than other participants in the transaction - buyers and brokers who have to operate under tough competition.
Property valuation can be carried out in two cases: at the request of the owner of the property and the law. In mid-1990 in Russia there is a new profession - an independent appraiser. Over the past ten years and the market valuation services, appeared legislation governing the assessment activities, are formed professional associations. Now in Russia, nearly 6 thousand companies offering assessment services, of which approximately 40% are in Moscow.
The law in making significant changes to the legal regulation of relations arising between buyers and sellers of rights to apartments to be built, the foundation for a uniform solution of various issues and the comprehensive protection of the legitimate interests and rights of participants in the equity-building.
Assessment of land is a challenge. In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the valuation of property, property rights and vocational assessment activities in Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine" On the evaluation of land and cash method for expert evaluation of land, the assessment of land will involve the following approaches: return (capitalization of net income from the use of land land), comparative (comparing the cost of sales of such land), approach the balance of the land (taking into account the cost of land improvement). Each of these approaches has its own characteristics and peculiarities of their use.
The question of what segment of the real estate market more profitable to invest money, is relevant to many. When all property steadily increased in price, it was a question of extracting additional profits. But now, at the time of stagnation in the capital market, the answer will directly determine the object of investment.
The easiest way to make an exchange in his camp owners or tenants of subsidized housing. The mechanism of exchange of municipal housing has not changed since Soviet times. Apartments owned by the city, which means that exchange is possible only with the consent of the landlord - the municipalities or other owners of housing (if the house, for example, is a departmental). "In the case of exchange of municipal apartments, people do not change the property, and rights to live in a certain place," - says Pavel Kosov, director of the territorial office of "Central".
- Indeed, the situation on the markets of suburban and urban housing varies widely - said Head of suburban real estate corporation `Reskor` Irina Yakimuk. - Land prices also rising, but their growth, even at the most popular destinations, not as rapid as we are seeing in the housing market. Most vostroebovannoe direction - Novorizhskoe highway (New Riga). It is almost equal in popularity with Rublevka. Visibly gaining high points Kiev and Kaluga areas.
Almost 90 percent of transactions in housing on the Moscow real estate market - the so-called alternatives. This is when instead of the apartment is sold, bought another - a better (or worse - depending on the needs of the seller).
By the end of June, will enter into force the new capital law `On ensuring housing rights of citizens in the relocation and release of premises in the city of Moscow`. His predecessor, - `Law on Guarantees of Moscow persons exempting residential premises` - yesterday lost its force.