Last summer I worked in St. Petersburg and, of course, I did not escape the fate of a tenant. As we know, this field of activity belongs to the agents. About what they are and how to avoid falling into the hands of the black brokers, I decided to tell our readers, for our city often receives guests, and are "film-making process" is identical in all major cities of Russia.
In June 2007, signed two agreements on cooperation between Russia's Guild of Realtors and the two largest banking associations of Russia: the Association of Russian Banks and the Association of Regional Banks of Russia.
Privatization in Russia has already lasted 16 years. Over time, many of the difficulties of becoming this process has been overcome. But until now, quite often the citizens who choose to formalize ownership of various properties, face challenges, including legal ones.
For most ordinary citizens of this phrase is still unknown, but for those who are actively working in real estate, conducting the procedure due diligence, or verify the legal `purity 'to the site and the land, already came into use. In Moscow alone, their services in this area offers dozens of Russian and Western companies - both legal and consulting. However, experts state that in Russia often even large companies to seek legal review only after the acquisition of the property.
Today in Moscow is really hard to find a suitable option for accommodation. Search yourself, hanging up the ad and asking babulek at the entrances, not whether someone rents an apartment or room? Such searches may be delayed for many months. And what if the housing need tomorrow? Here you can come to the aid of agents, however, in this case because it is fun to live in the capital you have to pay a lot of money. Be prepared for the fact that for the one-room apartment in South Butovo with you will take 350-600 dollars a month. The same number will have to lay out and the agent helps you with the search.
However, the fall rate of price increase of the capital square meter noticeably slowed: 4 per cent in September instead of 9 - 10 per cent in April - May. Experts talk about the proximity of stabilization. Can potential buyers finally breathe a sigh of relief and not grasp at validol, listening to regular updates on the situation on the market of Moscow real estate?
Last week, at the fourth annual award "Village of the Year 2007". Noble support of one of the largest construction companies, the prize and exhibition were held in a tower "Federation" in MIBC "Moscow City". Organizers deliberately prize went to what would be the presentation of awards in an unfinished building - the tower will be completed in three months and will become the most expensive office area of Moscow.
The fact that the current system of property taxation of both corporate and individuals must be reformed, the authorities say is not the first year. March 9 in the budget message, President Vladimir Putin has once again raised the issue. However, only in the light of the taxation of real estate owned by citizens.
The last 5 years, prices of real estate market ranged from 15 to 40%, so the analysts and experts unanimously predicted the 2006 price increase by 2-3% per month. Predictions have not come true, even with a 10-percent accuracy. Prices soared rapidly: in the end for the current year in the primary market for 120-150% (according to "Miel" and respectively) and 81,4-87,9% - in the secondary. And stagnation, autumn has arrived, gave a small correction in a few percent, making it possible to talk about the phenomenal results of this year.
Last week Russia's Guild of Realtors held a conference on "How to create a successful country development project attractive to investors," in which representatives of the market share their views on the current situation and shared his predictions for 2007. Suburban housing market is experiencing a period of growth: according to the company Park Group, its volume over the past three years increased by 200%. Here are some figures for comparison: if the sentence on the primary market in late 2005, in monetary terms amounted to an estimated, 5,5-6,5 billion dollars, then, according to the company "MIEL-Real Estate", now it equals $ 9 billion is interesting that most of the proposals concentrated on Novorizhskoye highway, while the "status" Rublyovo-Uspenskoe is not as popular as before: "In the past year's most dynamic Novorizhskoe, Kaluga, Dmitrov and Minsk directions, and reclamation on ruble-Uspensky highway for the exhaustion of free land began to wane, "- remarked president of Park Group Oleg Marinin. And the popularity of Kaluga area, according to the company Blackwood, the last year grew almost twice - from 9% to 16%.