The first thing to start, when you contact the lending institution - to accurately calculate the size of the loan. Borrowed money should be sufficient not only to pay for purchased housing, but also to cover expenses related to registration of the transaction, verification of legal cleanliness of premises and other services estate agent. After determining the loan amount and confirmation of the bank to provide such amounts should carefully examine the conditions of the loan agreement.
Some analysts are predicting an early collapse of prices on the real estate market. Do you think it will not be in this situation more profitable and safer to invest money in the bank?
Incomplete or incorrect indication of the subject property in the contract on its sale or lease in the first place causes problems with the state registration of the agreement or, respectively, of immovable property rights in the organs of the Federal Registration Service. In addition, casually worked text document, you are risking your business to lay a bomb. The fact that the treaty, which lacks the essential conditions (in accordance with Art. 432 of the Civil Code are essential conditions of the subject contract, the conditions mentioned in the law or other legal documents essential or necessary for contracts of this type, as well as all the conditions with respect to which any one of the parties agreement must be reached), for example, inaccurately determined by its object, consider not concluded. This means that the deal simply did not take place, and the legal consequences can be very disappointing.
The biggest trouble that may await the buyer apartments - denial of ownership of the acquired dwelling. In the language of lawyers is called the demand of property. And reclamation can occur even if the court found you in good faith by the buyer. Generally, a bona fide purchaser is not so simple. Now they are protected by Article 301 of the Civil Code. Previously, if the courts recognize the first transaction invalid, then the chain of all other transactions made with the flat, as null and void. Flat back the original owner, and the remaining members chains should have to return money to its customers.
- As you know, from 1 August 2006, according to the law 'On ensuring the rights of residents of the city of Moscow for accommodation', the maximum size of grants has decreased - from 90 to 70 percent. Changed and the requirements for the calculation of the social norm.
Real estate professionals are absolutely unanimous in saying that talk of an alternative to the elite segment of the possible. However, this is not an option in the conventional sense, and the situation itself - rather the exception to the rule. First, the buyers of expensive apartments enough money, and secondly, the procedure is too long the transaction.
`An exceptional`, `Christmas discounts`, `the last apartment for sale`, `installments at 0%` - so alluring advertising headlines unlikely someone will impress, especially when it comes to selling real estate. Typically, discounts are 1-2% of the cost of housing, but some developers are ready to offer a discount in 5-10%. Thus, the company `` PIC gives a 5 percent discount on all its facilities in Moscow and the region. For example, `` in odnushka not yet built house in Novokurkino will cost instead of 2.685 million rubles `total` 2,550 million rubles. The company `City-XXI Century 'in a wholly housing costs in the LCD` Amber `city will give a discount of $ 100 from. ie the value for each square meter, and at 70% - 70 at. That is, 2% and 1,4% of the cost of housing, respectively. When you purchase from the same company apartments in LCD `Azur 'and the LCD 5-th district of the city a prominent discounts lower: 50 and 30 at. e. respectively. Priced at one-room apartment in the $ 89.9 thousand customers will save 1,3% of its value.
Specialist realtors to help buyers and sellers not only find each other, but also to overcome all the hard way - from the view of the object until the transfer of the property to new owners.
First of all be clear: even if your family is featured on all fits into the program of state, it is, alas, does not mean that you can get help. It is necessary to find out more: and enabled in a program area in which you live?
You can implement any plans: a more convenient area, more footage of apartment, modern house, etc. This does not necessarily sell the old house. You can rent out and thus to pay debts on the loan.