`Power of Attorney recognizes written authorization issued by one person to another person for representation before third parties', - stated in Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. So the representation by proxy is absolutely legitimate and widespread in the practice of real estate transactions. At the same action carried out by proxy, have the most diverse 'caliber': from the authority to easily obtain documents in different instances, instead of the principal - to empower a trustee the right to disposition of property and receipt of all outstanding money to the seller. Basic rules for the issuance and use of proxies, as well as the pros and cons of giving other people the power of various kinds and we will analyze.
As a rule, we do make a will a universal form, when once bequeathed all property rights. But the legislation makes it possible to write in that document the legal mode of inheritance of individual pieces of property. For example, you can clearly specify who goes flat, to whom the machine, someone giving. In addition, it is possible to dispose not only property but also the rights and duties that belong or will belong to the testator.
Correspondent "Gazety.Ru" decided to find out how the average Muscovite can protect your basement from the intrusion of new owners or tenants. It was found that:
best fight for your basement, while he was still free or are currently exempt.
Six months ago my family and our relatives became necessary to switch apartments. Legally speaking, to make change in ownership of premises. De facto we have already done so, and everyone lived in their new living space. But earlier formalize what has already become a reality, could not - no documents to prove ownership of the 2-bedroom flats.
The practice of bargaining in the majority of citizens is not full. She and nowhere to take. The school did not teach. In the recent past, prices of almost all fixed by the State. What's the bargain? Now, with the free pricing of most commodities, too much experience not to accumulate. Vendors something in a store, in which we walk every day - not the owners of the goods and haggle with us will not. You can, of course, look at the market (in the sense of the market), and plenty of yell, get a discount from the merchant fruit. But such skills when buying property you do not have handy. The trader at the market usually middleman, trade - this is his profession, fruit - is good for him and nothing more. Therefore, it can be traded in typical aggressive style bazaar - make round eyes looking at the price tag, point angrily to the shortcomings of the goods, to twist a finger at his temple, etc.
Many real estate transactions require the procedure of state registration of rights to immovable property and transactions with them. In practice, registration may be suspended or simply deny it. What you should know that this trouble did not happen to you?
Near Moscow attract Muscovites developed infrastructure and low prices. The real estate market of Moscow region have long been ignored, no real estate developer company, operating in the segment of economy class. More and more people looking for affordable and quality housing rush outside the capital. The main reason is clear - prices are lower than in Moscow, and the infrastructure is more developed than in other residential districts of the city.
In order to realize a successful development project in the town market, requires an understanding of consumer demand. Invaluable assistance is likely to have realtors who work in constant contact with potential buyers. This is especially true for large real estate agency. The topic of consumer preferences at the congress was devoted to presentation of Ioannina Mironczuk, analytical examination of suburban real estate project management company "MIEL-Real Estate".
Immediately specify the three forms of stewardship - homeowners (HOA), a direct control (NU), the management responsible for the company (CC) - debts neighbors dumped on the law-abiding residents only HOA and the CC. In a direct (individual) is responsible for the management of each myself. The only exceptions are common equipment (elevator, garbage disposal, intercom, lighting in the stairwell, etc.) and areas (staircases, common lobbies, basements, attics, house territory). Here, repair and prevention through collective payment.
In August 2006 the volume of supply in the primary market of housing in Moscow reached 307 sites. This figure has remained virtually the same level as in the previous period, but relative to the baseline period decreased by 20,3%.